snowflake eel- behavior question...


New Member
I have a new addition to my 55 gallon reef tank...a 8" snowflake eel... he was introduced 5 days ago... he immediately took over a large cave in my liverock, and although my 3 damsel fish are trying to scare him out, he has remained there... well, he hasn't been coming out, even to eat. I can see him laying on the sandbed inside the cave, and he always looks dead (which I know he's not, he does stick his head out every once in awhile)... Also, his mouth is always opening and closing, like he is having trouble breathing. Can someone please tell me if this is normal behaivor for an eel. Thank you, Becky


I have had my snowflake for about 5 months now and he does the same thing. I wouldn't worry about him too much he might just be adjusting to the tank. You might want to put a piece if krill or something on a feeder stick in front of him to get him to eat. Snowflakes are shy and don't come out very much from what I have seen. The breathing part of it is normal.


Active Member
I said the same in reefs, but they open and close their mouth to push water over their gills....normal behavior, as is hiding......what have you tried to feed?


Active Member
Everything you're describing is normal. You will definitely need to feed with a feeder stick. SFE's don't go swimming around when food is dropped. They feed by smell so the food needs to get close to him.
Check the tank shortly after lights out and see if he comes out and swims some. I check mine from time to time just to make sure he's not been hurt or something.
Good Luck! They're great.


New Member
Thank you all... what a relief. I have tried feeding him dried shrimp on a feeder stick... but I figured his appetited was due to acclimating to the tank. But how he just lays there, he looks sick! Glad to hear this is normal>


We had a SFE for about 6 yrs and all of what you describe is normal behavior. The only thing I would suggest is that try feeding him some squid. We buy the frozen squid and thaw out portions that we feel the SFE can eat and he would go crazy for it. It was the one item we found he would eat regularly and never think twice about. Ours would never eat smaller fish and shrimp was a secondary choice of ours. If you want to see him eat well and be happy, try the squid.