Snowflake Eel eating too much?


I have a Snowflake eel for about 2 weeks now. Everytime I feed the fish in the tank, the eel comes out looking for food - so I guess he is hungry.
I have been feeding him every two days, with about 3-4 pieces of krill. Is that too much feeding - I have yet to check my "nitrates" sinces doing this, but I'm sure that would have increased.
How ofen should I feed


I've heard your should feed the snowflake until he is full every 2-3 days.


I have had a couple of sfe in different tanks over the years and everyone has been different as far as feeding. Some like to eat every day, others every 2-3 day, some times they will go for a week or 2 with out eatting. The one I have now is about 10 ins. and he like to eat every day, I start feeding the tank and he is out and about looking for food, I highly recommend using a feeding stick, this helps with keeping them form looking for food at the top of the tank. The one we lost about a year ago was in my sons tank and he liked to hand feed his and the sfe got out one night and was dead on the floor when we woke up, I thought I had the tank covered well but he found a small opening. Just some info to think about.


I feed the shrimp that people eat. I go to the grocery store and get a dozen for like $3 and feed him one of those big boys once a week.