Snowflake eel eats Niger trigger?


I have a 16 inch Snowflake eel in a 100 gallon tank with a midium size marron clown and two small blue damsels. I put in a small niger trigger (a little over an inch). I noticed he got a little scared when he saw the eel, then he latched himself into a rock, the eel was hanging out there after that, and then the next morning I never saw him again. I removed everything from the tank and looked for him. I guess the eel ate him? I would figure the smaller damsels would be eaten by the eel before a trigger? I thought snowflake eels would not eat the fish?


Active Member
It's unlikely the eel ate him, unless the trigger died, than maybe.
Also triggers are very good at hiding. One time I tore down a 72 bow that had a trigger in it. I removed all the LR, and couldn't find the trigger. I added all the LR to another tank, and a couple of days later the trigger appeared.


I had one for about 3 months before he finally started swimming in the open, and not being scared of anything that moved past the tank. Yes, they can stay hidden for awhile. HTH


My snowflake got a hold of a niger trigger I used to have, they were figthing for food. The scales on triggers are very tough so it is very unlikly that the eel would be able to do damage; especially an invert eater.


Active Member
When I added my Niger I understood that they would take some time to come out in the open....Didnt know that it would take him 2 1/2 months...Now all he does is swim around the tank begging for food...