snowflake eel in a 38 reef?


Active Member
Would a snowflake eel be suitable for a 38 gallon reef tank? Other inhabitants will be the sebae clown which is there now, a cowfish(future), and one more fish(undecided). Would he be ok?
Also, my tank is I would say 80% through my cycle. My nitrites started dropping yesterday so I'm assuming I don't have too much more to go....but my glass is COVERED in green algae. It looks like someone took a green marker and colored the glass...How do i get this algae off? Is there anything that will eat it? Or do I have to get an algae magnet?
not with acowfish ur be screwed when it releases its poisons and anyways whats that fish doin in thaty small tank they need like at least 75 and thats solitary or with sea horses or something


Active Member
boxfish don't need to be in a species only or seahorse tank. I know someone who has a boxfish in a tank with a green moray eel, 2 yellow tangs, a hippo tang, sebae clown, and a bunch more. That tank is also a reef, it's 90 gallons. The eel doesn't go near him.


Active Member
Also, this post isn't about the boxfish, it's about an eel in a 38 reef tank. The boxfish isn't even in there yet.


Azonic, IME you should be fine with a snowflake, if you buy it small. Feed it about once a week to keep it from growing too fast. After it starts to outgrow your tank, take it back to the lfs. The only thing I would be wary of is their appetite for shrimp and crabs. I have a zebra moray in a 75 reef, and I feed him about twice a week. Any less than that and he starts nipping at my bluelegs. HTH
I agree with Volitan about snowflake is only 14" long right now in a 55 long and I try to keep him well fed to keep peace in the tank. I am planning on buying a 180 very soon and once it is fully cycled, he is moving into it. If you do buy a sure to have your canopy WELL sealed since they can and possibly WILL escape. Nothing sucks more than to find your eel dried up on the floor by your tank. Also, be careful when you have your hand(s) in the tank with a snowflake in there...they are LIGHTNING fast and very agile and you do not want him taking a nibble from your fingers.


I too had a snowflake in my 55 reef, and while he did nothing to the corals and whatnot, he ate all of my shrimp and even though I fed him regularly a couple of my smaller fish dissapeared while he was there.
If you really want one I would recomend a larger tank and be aware of the other animals you can put in the tank in the future. Once they are in the tank they are very hard to get out too, without unassembling the LR.


Active Member
If i did get the eel, would it be better to introduce him to the tank first? Or should I add a couple of fish first? Right now there is a sebae clown in the tank.


I would recomend him being the last thing that you add, unless you are getting a VVVEEERRRYYY small one. Even then they will become pretty territorial and new fishies upset their balance as it were.