Snowflake eel in my and advice


I just bought a 9" snowflake for my tank and i need some info. First off what is a proven healthy diet for them? I bought some large frozen krill and so far he loves it. Should I get silversides or what to go along with tghe krill diet.
Also I am in the middle of trapping and removing all of my crabs and shrimp. I have 2 serpent stars in there also that are probably 8-10 inches in size, will these be OK with him or should I remove them also.

small triggers

Active Member
just vary his diet, krill, silversides, squid & clams were what i used to feed mine. and yes your stars will be fine, you will probably see them near his caves, as the leftovers they will want.
my sfe is about 20 inches long...i have about 30 blue legged hermit crabs and a coarl banded shrimp...never is intrested in any of them...i feed mine squid and silversides...