Snowflake Eel Info.



Can a SFE live in a reef tank without destroying all the corals and killing all the invertabres and small fish ? My dad loves Eels and He would love to get one for our reef tank, But I am scared that it will destroy our tank. It's a 60 gallon with a mix of corals. We saw a juvinile SFE for $10. Thanks in advance.


it really depends on your SFE.... some are really docile....
mine's really docile and doesn't attack my fish... but i've seen some that are pretty aggressive


It seems like 60 gallons is a bit small for one of these guys?
You'll increase your chances of him not eating your fish and such if you keep him well fed but there's still always that chance that he'll think something swimming around looks better than whatever you're feeding him!!
Tell your dad that he likely won't get to enjoy watching a SFE all that much anyway as they're nocturnal hiders. We have a very tiny one at work right now and you'd never know he was there unless you picked up his hiding spot and shook him out.


I had a SFE for about three years. Never touch any of my fish but mt peppermint shrimp were not safe. He was an awsemoe adittion to my reef tank lots of personality very docile never bothered any fish. I hand fed him about 10 krill a day until I went on vaction and had a relative take care of my tank for the week when I got home him was all dried up in the back of my display on the floor. If you do get one make sure your tank's lid covers everything because they are know to jump out of the tank. but other than that on him eating shrimp I loved him. When I first bought him he was about 6 inches long very skinny after 3 years he was about a foot and a half long and about 5 inches thick. I also had him housed in a 60 gallon just make sure you have a lot of rocks for him to hide in and make sure your lid is on tight


Are there eels that can have smaller tanks, or should they all be over 60 gallons?? What if you only have one eel in the tank??? With maybe one other aggressive fish, like a niger trigger or something?


60 gal will work for a sfe because they do not get very large. yes you need a tight fitting canopy they will try to get out of the tank all the time.i found mine on the floor a couble of times. some sfe like to burrow in the sand and under rocks and this can cause rocks to fall damageing corals so i would definetly add with caution.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jes723ika
Are there eels that can have smaller tanks, or should they all be over 60 gallons?? What if you only have one eel in the tank??? With maybe one other aggressive fish, like a niger trigger or something?
triigers and eels in one tank is always iffy triggers do tend to bite at eels.SFE and a few others can do very well in an agressive tank I have a black moray in mine nothing seems to bother with it for now.but always keep lids on an eel tank they have a habit of finding a way out.I forgot to close my lids just once and mine ended up on my kitchen floor luckily for him i found him before it was too is a pic of black moray. along with lunar wrasse.this eel we beleive it may be also called a freshwater moray but not positive to this it has been very hard to get a clear veiw of him.but he does very well in SW