snowflake eel jumped out of tank! will he be okay?


New Member
okay so this morning as i walked by my tank i guess my little seven inch snowflake got spooked and jumped right out of the tank! i've had him for over a year and hes never escaped... i'm kinda concerned about why he might have gotten so scared... also, he was out of the tank for about 2 or 3 minutes while we tried to catch him, and i've heard that eels are pretty resiliant, but i was wondering what sighns i should be looking for if hes not doing so good... any advice anybody has to offer would be greatly appreciated!


I just read this yesterday..LOL...Someone who has had eels said his would jump out.....he would rinse it off and toss it back in, with no issues long as it wasn't physically hurt....should be okay
You might want to check into a better cover though....if you have none, look into an eggcrate top


New Member
yeah, my setup isnt exactly ideal... i'm trying to save up to get a new tank all together because the guy that sold me the tank sold me a tank with no canopy and a meta stand and after researching im finding that ive got a lot of changes to make... so hopefully i'll get it all figured out soon! thanks for the advice though!