Snowflake Eel lump/tumor


New Member
I have a 90 gal tank with a 13 inch SF Moray. Last week I noticed a lump about 3/4 inch long on his right side approx 3 inches from his head. My water parameters are fine except my nitrates were around 50 ppm. I immediately did daily water changes and added some denitrate to the tank. He lives with a Golden Heart trigger that is about 4.5 inches. He eats Krill and Silversides about 3-4 times a week. Maybe not enough variation in his diet? Wondering if anyone had experience with this?


Staff member
Can you post a picture?
To be honest, not much you can do if it is tumor. However, keeping water conditions pristine and providing a varied nutritious diet would be a good thing to do.


New Member
Here is a pic, tough to capture on camera but if you look you can see the lump on the left side of the pic about 2 inches from his eyes. No discoloration, just a noticeable raised lump. He is eating fine and behaving normal. I believe that he was eating too many silversides and not enough variation and that caused a vitamin deficiency. That is the best explanation I have found in my research but I could be wrong.


Staff member
Yes, I can see it. Impossible to know if that is a tumor. There is little that can done, except as you have said. Provide a good environment, and varied, quality food. Zoecon is a good supplement for fish.


New Member
Thanks for taking the time Beth. I will keep you posted. I use Zoecon and Zoe daily for both of my tanks. I started feeding him later at night as he is more likely to eat some mysis & krill instead of just going after the silversides. There are a couple other fish in the tank with him that are fine. Golden Heart trigger and two small damsels. No signs of the eel going south, he has been completely active and normal despite the lump.


Staff member
These eels are prone to these lumps/tumors which may or may not improve. When using zoe, add the vit. directly to the food, soak in fridge for 5 mins, then offer to fish, not just dose the water. This doesn't look like its causing any surface skin issues, so you can rule out aggression.