Snowflake Eel Question


What kind of CUC would be okay to keep with a Snowflake Eel? I know they'll eat crustations , so would Urchins, Snails, and maybe even hermit crabs be okay?? Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by JThomas0385
What kind of CUC would be okay to keep with a Snowflake Eel? I know they'll eat crustations , so would Urchins, Snails, and maybe even hermit crabs be okay?? Thanks
You can add a cuc like any other tank but dont be suprised if some go missing from time to time. But for that matter so will your fish so a cuc will be the least of your worries. And you never know it might leave them alone if he os well fed.


ya you just need to keep him well fed. my snowflake eats every day & he doesnt bother my cuc or fish i have hermits snails & a starfish for a cuc