Snowflake Eel suggestion help

Well I would like to get a snoflake eel for my community tank which is going to be a FOWLR, well I read that they can be kept in a FOWLR its just you have to feed them well enough so they wont eat your smaller fish,
Question is how many times and what should I feed the eel in order for it not to eat my fishies


We used to feed our SFE's either medium sized krill or cut up silversides, usually just a few, about every 3 days. But we had 2 that were only about 6-10 inches, and they would sometimes snip at our fish, usually when the fish were trying to steal their food. Just beware, our eels commited suicide by diving out of our overflow box after sneaking through the suction tubes, make sure the top of your tank is secure.
Alrighty just wondering cause I would love to have one but I wouldnt like it making a snack out of my poor little fishes, im mostly having fish that only grow 3-4 inches max in there.