Snowflake Eel with Volitans


Hello, I have a 115g 5foot fowlr tank, and currently have a 15.5" snowflake eel in there, with a 2 turbo snails and 2 hermit crabs. I want to get a volitans soon and was wondering what should be the smallest size that I should get the volitans. I want to get him as small as possible, because I want to get a Powder Blue tang, and an Emperor Angelfish.
also, how many more crabs should I get or any other type of invert
thanks in advance


Active Member
wow .. that's crazy .. we have almost the same stock list except instead of a powder blue .. I have a blue hippo .. and I also have a Harlequin Tusk, a Diamond Goby, and a Copperband Butterfly ... I would get him somewhere around 4 or more inches just so the eel doesn't prey on him that way you can watch it grow too .. they grow very quickly .. if you have any questions regarding the volitans just ask


I had a Herlequin Tuskfish also. But My first mistake was adding a piccaso trigger to my tank and killed both my porc puffer and tuskfish. heres a pic when he was still in the bag

My main concern is that the volitans would grow too big before I get the other fish and he might eat them?
The tuskfish is an extraordinary fish!



This is/was my Dianas hogfish. And guess who got to him. Right the trigger. Thank god I finally traded it for credit.


Active Member
glad you got rid of the trigger .. and yes they can be evil .. but he would've done even more damage to your volitans .. they love to eat lions fins .. well anyway .. if you ask me you should ad the volitan last that way you know that you can get a specimen that is too small to eat his/her tankmates .. how long do you plain to wait to add each specimen .. if it's not too long .. meaning around 2-3 weeks between each speciment you could probably get the volitans sooner


Active Member
That's a great looking Snowflake by the way .. and also .. I don't know if you were planning on it or not but I wouldn't replace that Porcupine Fish .. just becuase Puffers can't resist Lions fins either .. and they have a nack for being able to dodge the venomous pins


Originally Posted by Jam1e
That's a great looking Snowflake by the way .. and also .. I don't know if you were planning on it or not but I wouldn't replace that Porcupine Fish .. just becuase Puffers can't resist Lions fins either .. and they have a nack for being able to dodge the venomous pins

Thanks. the puffer was the triggers last victim.
I added some rock and it made a tiny cycle. I'll just wait until my tank settles then I'll rearange the rock since I have one more huge chunk of rock to add. Then I'll gather up some cash. I need to work on my filtration because I don't think that it's adecuate filtration. I have a 26g and going to make it into a sump/fuge. I have the silicone and glass. And I wanted to make a closed loop for added circulation. or I want to buy one of those "Freedom Filters". I was going to buy an Eco Aqualizer but changed my mind. And going to get a new membrane for my RO machine since it was giving water with 10ppm Nitrate. And get some more cleanup crew. And get a couple of plants, and finally get all water parameters to a perfect level.
This doesn't mean that I couldn't go to the store and get the lionfish but just want to have prestine water parameters.
I want to get the volitans,emperor angel, and powder blue.


what other type of angelfish could I put in my tank other than the emperor? how many inverts should I put in my tank?


Active Member
I probably would only put a Dwarf Angel in with an emperor just because large angels tend to fight ... the only problem with that is when you volitans gets older there's a possibility that he'd eat the dwarf angel .. and as for inverts with that fish list you could get some urchins or a lobster if you wanted in my tank i have a longspine urchin and plan on getting a couple other kinds of urchins .. anything else?


I don't want to keep two angels all I want is an alternative to the emperor since it will outgrow my tank. I really don't want to have to know that one day he will have to go. and what if I don't find a place for him. I got two of those blue leg hermit crabs and two turbo snails.
What are urchins good for?


Active Member
oh sorry about that I misread your earlier post .. I didn't realize you said instead I thought you meant in addition to .. you could get a number of different angels including any dwarf angel but keep in mind that your lion might eat them later in life and a number of other "medium" angels like the Cream or Flagfin or Grey Poma or Scribbled or Blue Spotted .. and as for Urchins they do the best job out of anything I've see for getting rid of hair algea and I think their fascinating .. and for turbo snails you would do good to get around 6 - 8 more ... they're good algea eaters too but you won't need them if you get an urchin


How about a cleaner clam?
could he get any shrimp?(don't think so)
how about a cucumber or starfish?
I still don't know if he should even consider the Emperor. While he's at it Why not get a panther grouper j/k.


Active Member
no shrimp .. no cucumbers and no starfish with that fishlist .. and he could have a juvenile emperor angel in that tank for shorterm just as long as he takes it out once it matures .. but he doesn't want to so it's all good


Active Member
oh .. cool .. you might be able to put one in there ...... but max. size is 14.2 inches so you might wanna watch out for size when it gets to be an adult .. and also .. keep in mind that passer angels are very aggressive and should be the last fish introduced in your tank .. I would watch your lion with it closely since it's likely to be picked on by the passer .. I've read just now that they'll bite the venomous dorsal spines right off of a lionfish .... probably not a fish I'd recomend