Snowflake eel wont eat, need help!!!


New Member
I got my sfe about 2 weeks ago and he still hasn't eatin anything. I have been trying frozen and freeze dried krill. I was wondering if anybody has any suggestions. Anything would help. Thanks


sometimes eels will go without food for weeks. I just moved my tank, and my eel wouldnt eat for about 3 weeks. Try something besides krill though. Go to your grocery store and get some fresh seafood. Shrimp, mussels, clams ect. Wash the meat off really good and try to feed it to your eel by hand or with a feeding stick.


go to a LFS and get silversides...he will go nuts
o and u will probally have to hand feed him just wait till he comes up to u and then let go of the food and hopefully he will take it


New Member
i have 2 eels about 4 years old and when they were small i gave them frozen squid that you can buy at the local fish store. they also like catching ghost shrimp. now their favorite is a live raw clam but beware: you need to clean the guts out of it first cause there is bacteria that i wouldn't want my eels to eat.the clams poo poo sack is like a filter so i cut that out before i give it to my guys.they also have pkg of frozen clams for when i can't get live (no poo poo in those paks) good luck!


New Member
I finally got my sfe eel to eat but now i'm not sure on how often to feed him. Any help would be great. Thanks


New Member
my limmy and slick eat in the am with my other animals.sometimes though they are not hungry and go 2 days without eating this is normal. don't overfeed then your nitrates will go up.what did they finally like to eat?


Active Member
mine accually eats almost daily about 4 or five frozen krill i stick feed .but i have read that normal feedings are to be once to twice a week.when feeding your other fish watch his behavior if the food gets you a reation try giving him some food if he stays hidden when food is present in the tank he probly isnt hungry. what i have noticed mine doing is he stock piles his food becus i stick feed he gets one peace at a time.he pokes his heat out of his rock snatches the food and hides then repetes this about 4 or 5 times when he notices the feeding time has ended he goes into his hole and eats.