
Ive had a small snowflake eel in my tank for about 5 days and hes not eating. But clam and silversides right in front of his face, but nothing. I hear its normal for them to not eat for weeks? is that right?
any other idea would be great too thanks!!!

jc germ

I had a snowflake that went on hunger strikes! as far as i know they can go weeks without eating, you say 5 days maybe he is getting use to your tank first just try every day to feed him and if he does not eat remove the silverside or clam...
i use to sit hours with my black ribbon trying to get him to eat it wil pay off


Active Member
Throw a couple of LIVE small goldfish in there, and see if he goes for them. Might they have been feeding him live food before you bought him??


I wouldn't be worried over 5 days, but if you're going to put something live in the tank for it to go after, I wouldn't recommend goldfish or any other fresh water fish. Try smaller ghost shrimp or small feeder crabs. You might want to also try silversides or other chunks of meaty foods on a feeding stick. It would be best if you could find out what/how it was being fed from wherever you purchased it from.