I was wondering if there were any kind of tank cleaning crustaceas that a snowflake eel won't eat? If not, can a tank survive without any tank cleaning crustaeas?
- Thanks
I cought mine munching on a snail that was flipped upside down but I think it was dead before. I tried a purple reef lobster with mine it was about 1/2 of my sfe size-he is just a baby, a fat one- and the lobster dissapeared 6 days latter the dumb lobster always went to his cave so he was sort of asking for it.:notsure:
you want to see something cool with a snowflake eel. get a cleaner shrimp. i had one with a cleaner shrimp. nothing like seeing a cleaner inside cleaning the eels mouth. what else do you have in the tank though. i would hate for poor ole cleaner to get eatin by something else.
I haven't even setup my new 50g yet. I still have to cycle it. I was thinking of having a blue spot puffer with the 2 sfe's. What what be a good fish to cycle a new tank that would later have snowflake eels?
what would happen if you put a snow flake eel in a 55 gallon reef tank with a kole tang, yellow tang, pair of tomato clowns, and a mandarin? also a bunch of snails and hermits? would it be a disaster?
Originally posted by JacknJill
what would happen if you put a snow flake eel in a 55 gallon reef tank with a kole tang, yellow tang, pair of tomato clowns, and a mandarin? also a bunch of snails and hermits? would it be a disaster?
i cant imagine thats a healthy amount of livestock, and most people i think will tell you the yellow tang should go into a bigger tank.