Snowflake eel???


I was wondering what the chances are that if I get a baby SFE. That he would try to eat my already established fish:
1 false clown
5 blue chromis
1 firefish
1 yellow watchmen goby


It depends on the size of snowflake eel. Even if you get a small one it may eat your goby. In time as your eel gets bigger it will eat all your fish in the tank. But then again If you stuff your eel it may leave them alone.:notsure:


I dont agree with that if you get a baby sfe he will get used to the tankmates that he has. If you start feeding him on a feeding stick or by hand he will learn that its feeding time then and only eat when you feed him.


True it may leave them alone if you stuff the eel...but it's a gamble not saying it will happen today but it may happen in the future. Remember anything that can fit in the eel's mouth can be snack.


New Member
I wouldn't worry. I bought a baby and it never touched the damsels like the people said it would. I didn't stuff it either it just never bothered them. The only thing I would really worry about is the Goby and fire fish. The fire fish are really slow swimmers so the eel would most likely go for that and the goby first.


New Member
i had a SFE and he was a pain in the butt he was blinder then a bat and would bite anything that swam past him he bite the puffer and lion fish (suprized he lived after that) and hand feeding was out of the question i tried it once and he drew blood i started feeding him fresh feeders he did eat my hermit crab and star fish not trying to turn you off the SFE but just be careful and if fish start disapearing you know where they went


i had one too and he went after my puffer during feeding time. when he smelled food he bit anything in front of him. I think it's because they are hard of seeing........1/2 blind he was fine when it wasn't feeding time