Snowflake Eel


Active Member
Are there any fish that are compatable with a snowflake eel? I have 2 clown and a fire goby. I assume once the eel gets big enough it would consider then fair game.


You considered correctly....a way to keep your fish is to get ones that are bigger than your eel's mouth, and keep the eel fed. Just remember, your eel is a predator, and when hungry, it will eat!


Active Member
IMO, it goes further than just what it can swallow. I've had constant problems with snowflakes literally attacking other fish out of sheer stupidity. Eels are almost totally blind and hunt by smell and by what little sight they do have...
Just the other day my 12" snowflake clamped down on a show size sailfin tang and took him for a good thrashing before the tang struggled free. A day later he bit down on my Volitan lion's dorsal spine and broke it off...
So beware. They get violent during feeding time... they smell the food and see something move and just go for it, so you need to be sure to feed the snowflake first and keep him distracted while the other fish eat...
Just my .02.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
IMO, it goes further than just what it can swallow. I've had constant problems with snowflakes literally attacking other fish out of sheer stupidity. Eels are almost totally blind and hunt by smell and by what little sight they do have...
Just the other day my 12" snowflake clamped down on a show size sailfin tang and took him for a good thrashing before the tang struggled free. A day later he bit down on my Volitan lion's dorsal spine and broke it off...
So beware. They get violent during feeding time... they smell the food and see something move and just go for it, so you need to be sure to feed the snowflake first and keep him distracted while the other fish eat...
Just my .02.
Fiesty little bugger!!! So, I guessing if you put anything big enough in the tank that the eel couldn't swallow it would swallow
the eel. Either that or your spunky little eel is getting to big for his britches!!!

shark bait

I have a snow flake about 7" real small, and it took out my royal gamma, but my black clows, are fast and it cant get them. so maybe active top dwelling fish work well. I love the eel he comes out when he needs to eat and i drop in some small krill and he takes um whole. he is in my office tank so i can watch him all day, this might help with him not going after my clowns.


Active Member
I like my snowflake .. pretty calm for an eel .. pretty aggressive compared to the rest of the fish I have though .. I have him with a blue hippo and a volitan