Snowflake eels behavior..


We picked up a snowflake eel tonight (its being housed in our 37 gallon for now) its all over the place, swimming, checking things out, exc.
How long before we can expect it to settle in?
When should we offer food and how long before we should expect it to eat?
Anymore info you want to offer?

crypt keeper

Active Member
SFE can be very frustrating. They can go on hunger strikes for a couple weeks at a time. Mine did it twice. They can grow pretty fast as well. I bought mine about 8 months ago it was about 7 inches long and the size of a pencil thickness. It's now about 13 inches long and tripled in thickness. I fed every other day since they have a slow digestive system. Give it a few days. Let it settle in. Make sure you have ample hiding spots that it can cover its entire body. A small pvc pipe would do the trick perfectly.
Chunks of shrimp, silversides, or freeze dried krill with vitamins is what mine ate all day long

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by ADEE
We picked up a snowflake eel tonight (its being housed in our 37 gallon for now) its all over the place, swimming, checking things out, exc.
How long before we can expect it to settle in?
When should we offer food and how long before we should expect it to eat?
Anymore info you want to offer?

Once the SFE finds a territory he will settle in and not be so frantic. I would wait a few days to offer any food so he can get used to the new tank he is in.
What happened to the Zebra Moray? SFE's are overrated.

crypt keeper

Active Member
SFEs are very pretty. But everybody does have one. Maybe they couldnt get a Zebra. I did see a zebra and SFE in the same tank at my lfs. Zebra did catch my attention more so than the SFE

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
SFEs are very pretty. But everybody does have one. Maybe they couldnt get a Zebra. I did see a zebra and SFE in the same tank at my lfs. Zebra did catch my attention more so than the SFE
Some are pretty looking but almost everyone who buys an eel gets a SFE but if that's what they like then more power to them. I'm very happy I found my Spotted Moray, haven't seen anyone else with one and it is an amazing eel.


I would love to have both.. our store didnt have a zebra eel and as i said before, my husband is obsessed and wanted the dang SFE, i also mentioned the zebra and he said "why cant we have both" lol!! men
The girl at the LFS said we can haev both but we need to make sure they are roughly the same size when we put them together. is that true?
He was a bit more settled in this morning, we will try feeding him in a day or so. All the fish, crabs and snails were accounted for this morning too which made me happy

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by ADEE
I would love to have both.. our store didnt have a zebra eel and as i said before, my husband is obsessed and wanted the dang SFE, i also mentioned the zebra and he said "why cant we have both" lol!! men
The girl at the LFS said we can haev both but we need to make sure they are roughly the same size when we put them together. is that true?
He was a bit more settled in this morning, we will try feeding him in a day or so. All the fish, crabs and snails were accounted for this morning too which made me happy

Both can go in a 140g but it will limit you with other fish you like to have, 2 eels is a big bio-load in itself. You could have asked for them to order you one, my LFS is pretty good with getting what your looking for, just gotta ask if they don't have it. I put my fimbraited in which is 7 inches, with a 2x 1.5' morays and they are fine, but i guess closer to the same size is better so one doesn't have the upper hand and eat the smaller one.


If its that big of a bioload we would just have the one eel. We really want a nice populated tank. He will just have to deal with having one lol and thats assuming we can catch our eel when were ready to move it out of the 37 gallon haha

salt life

Active Member
Shouldn't be too hard, if he swims around when you feed him, just give him some food to get him out then scoop him up, eels have very poor eyesight so he won't expect it lol


lol.. i figured if it was anything liek my dang dottyback and damsel it could just stay in there but if its that easy to catch great!
How do we feed it when were ready? i knwo about soaking the food, using tongs exc but do we just move it around in front of its face or what?

crypt keeper

Active Member
If you have enough rock and a good skimmer sump set up two eels will be fine in a 140. What other fish do you have to have? Every one has a must have fish list.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by ADEE
lol.. i figured if it was anything liek my dang dottyback and damsel it could just stay in there but if its that easy to catch great!
How do we feed it when were ready? i knwo about soaking the food, using tongs exc but do we just move it around in front of its face or what?
Just put it in front of his face, not like shove it in his face but once he smells it in the water he will be swimming all around, then when it gets closer to him he will grab it.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
If you have enough rock and a good skimmer sump set up two eels will be fine in a 140. What other fish do you have to have? Every one has a must have fish list.
Ok.. on our MUST HAVE list is the following,
*yellow tang
*blue hippo tang
*butterfly (undecided as to which one, i LOVE the long nose butterfly)
*clown trigger or humuhumu trigger
*what looks like a morish idol but isnt, its a type of butterfly..
*i LOVE the red emperor snapper (they are kind mean though right? i can do without one of those, i saw one at our LFS rip a hole in a fish net when someone tried to buy it lol might be a bit too bold)
maybe an angel of some sort.. among a few others ive said "wow i would love to have" but i know its a bit too much in terms of bioload. but those are certainly on the "must have list" Were really looking for color in our tank and the fish i listed are ones i*love* looking at. How is that, what is or isnt compatible now that i put it all on "paper" lol.. what can we get vs what we shouldnt get, exc?
Originally Posted by Salt Life

Just put it in front of his face, not like shove it in his face but once he smells it in the water he will be swimming all around, then when it gets closer to him he will grab it.
gotcha! thanks!!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Moorish Idol look a like is called a Bannerfish. They get about 6 to 8 inches. The tangs would add a lot of color. Im not a grouper guy. I know very little about them except if it thinks it can eat it, it will try.
Stay away from the clown trigger. They are gorgeous but get huge and will snap and kill everything in your tank. They get something like 19+ inches.
Humu Humu are great. I have one. They are great community triggers. Also look into a male blue throat.
What are the demensions of your tank?


thanks so much for your input!!
the dimentions are L 48.5 x W 24.5 x H 29 assuming we stick with the oceanic tank, there is a HUGE price difference between that and another one we were looking at. (like 400+ for same size but this one is taller than the other one we were looking at, the other one was longer)

crypt keeper

Active Member
Id go longer than wider. Is the longer tank cheaper? Humu humu and the tangs will use up every inch of your tank. My humu humu swims back and forth all day long in my 90 and is only 2.5 inches long.