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I would love to have both.. our store didnt have a zebra eel and as i said before, my husband is obsessed and wanted the dang SFE, i also mentioned the zebra and he said "why cant we have both" lol!! men
The girl at the LFS said we can haev both but we need to make sure they are roughly the same size when we put them together. is that true?
He was a bit more settled in this morning, we will try feeding him in a day or so. All the fish, crabs and snails were accounted for this morning too which made me happy
Both can go in a 140g but it will limit you with other fish you like to have, 2 eels is a big bio-load in itself. You could have asked for them to order you one, my LFS is pretty good with getting what your looking for, just gotta ask if they don't have it. I put my fimbraited in which is 7 inches, with a 2x 1.5' morays and they are fine, but i guess closer to the same size is better so one doesn't have the upper hand and eat the smaller one.