Snowflake eels behavior..


what are the benefits of acrylic? (thanks for the PM) we have small children and i would hate to have a really scratched up tank considering what were going to be putting out for our large system (were up to at least 2000 with sump, overflow system, flourecent (sp?) lighting, stand, tank, exc)


Active Member
benefits of acrylic tanks are
1) they are MUCH lighter.
2) while they scratch easier, they structurally MUCH stronger than glass tanks.
3) easier to drill (not having to worry about tempered / not tempered and shattering)

crypt keeper

Active Member
the pro's out weight the con's IMO on acrylic vs glass on large tanks.
Your children would need to use a toy or something else to hurt the tank. They can be buffed out. Just make sure you place the rock in gently and secure.


Active Member
also keep the algae scrapers (eg., mag float) out of the childrens reach. these can pick up sand from the sand bed and gauge the inside of the pane!


Thank you!! I will certainly look into the acrylic tanks. Do I just ask the LFS which are acrylic and which are glass? How else would we know? What is the price difference between the two? We keep our magfloat out of reach anyway but thank you for letting me know... were working on "dont touch, just look" at the tank but its tough when you have an almost 3yo wanting to "look" at the tank haha... at least ((knock on wood)) they dont bang on the glass.
ETA: back on topic.. our SFE has made itself at home under a rock in our tank.. he was a bit active last night but not much. It also successfully ate this morning :) Were so excited!


Active Member
you can tell by touch, glass feels coldish i guess and the acrylic feels like plastic.
you can tell by knocking with your knuckle
you can tell by the joints, glass needs gooped on silicone and acrylic melts to each other chemically and cleanly.