snowflake getting "frisky"


i don't normally see my snowflake eel, but today he's been out & about and harrassing my coral banded shrimp, no damage yet, but the eel has also chased a few of the smaller fish too. they were a day late in getting fed - i've switched fish people.
i got ahold of the company's digital, i hope i got some good pictures of the eel & shrimp & of the eel out swimming.


Active Member
Sounds as though he is hungry. Out searching for his next meal. Mine knows when it's feeding day. He'll be out, and a little more active. By the time it gets to feeding hr., he'll be at the top of the rock formation waiting for the magic stick that brings his next meal.


thank you, the shrimp is still alive & well & on his way to becoming a jumbo shrimp - he's the only shrimp in the tank & it looks like he's molting about every 1 1/2 weeks now.
here's a picture of the eel & shrimp with the wrasse (photo hog) & one of my mandarins


What are you feeding your SFE and what is you feeding schedual? Does indeed sound like he is hungry!!


the tank is in the office & we pay someone to come in & take care of the fish & stuff.
we just changed people - the old one was feeding him dried krill & i think some fresh shrimp
the new people fed him some frozen krill yesterday (1 day behind his normal schedule)


Must say, you have accomplished 1 miracle in itself...Since shrimp and crustaceans are a number 1 food for the Lunear Wrasse and the Eel, I'm surprised he has lived this long. The pic you have doesn't show me a looks more like a chainlink eel...
We have both a Lunear Wrasse and a Snowflake in a 300 and if you put a shrimp of any kind in that tank its history! The only time the SFE comes out a swims the tank is usually when its looking for something to eat. Good Luck and Congrats on the Shrimp doing that well.


i also have a 1 week old brown banded cat shark. 1 maroon clown, 2 domino damsels, 1 sailfin tang, 1 lawnmower blenny, 2 hippo tangs, 6 yellow tangs, about 6 other yellow chromis, and another mandarin in a 460
the shark found a better hiding spot, so it's hard for me to get a good look at him.