snowflake in reef


hey aggressive fish keepers i have a 35 reef aquarium and i was wondering if i could add a snowflake eel in it i didnt put this in the reef forum cause i doubt they know more than u guys/girls about eels and such and just would like to know if i could put him in my tank?? :thinking:


the other tank inhabs are
1 sixline wrasse
1 cherub angelfish
1 scotter blenny
3 green chromis
7 reef hermits
1 huge turbo snail
1 rock of yellow polyps
1 rock of mushrooms
1 rock of orange zoo's
could the snowflake go in the tank???


it should be ok..... My SFE does not eat my hermits which is my only concern... should be fine I think.


New Member
how big is the eel? ive had one since he was about 6-7 inches. around a foot is when he started to eat hermit crabs. chromis sould be safe as long as they dont mess with him. i had (key word had) a blue devil that thought he was boss and would smack the eel w his tail for months. then one day my sfe got pissed, realized that hes a predator, and cornered him in a hole in the live rock. no more tail slap probles


imo i would not place a sfe in a 35 only a 50 plus. also some sfe are know to burrow in the sand and under live rock which could cause your rock to fall damaging corals. also eels create a lot of waste and you , imo, would be overloading your system placing one in the tank.


I wouldn't do a SFE in a reef. IMO they get too big and would knock corals around, expecially in a 35G. I have a Ghost eel...stays under 2' and is about as thick as a sharpie marker. great little eel...looks like a ribbon but eats...I have him in my tank...slowly going to a reef and he really don't bother anything...I have a cleaner shrimp, CBS, pepermint shrimp, snails, hermits, manderin and other fish which he doesnt bother anything. IMO the size is much better suited for a reef....


it should do ok...he/she might eat your hermits and any fish that will fit in his mouth...i have 4 in my breeder 30 long (they are the only fish there) with about 5 hermits, 1 emerald and 5 also matters about the eel mine wouldnt eat a crab.


thanx for all your input, i think i will be getting one soon i will place the corals in a good spot so they shouldnt be knocked down, i will not be getting any more corals till after christmas cause i am going on 2 huge snowboarding trips to montana and minnestoa somewhere so i have to save up oohh yeah and what should i be feeding this guy/girl and how would i feed it?????


New Member
i feed my sfe by hand (just got my black ribbon to do it to, it was awesome). he eats mostly frozen krill, but once in a while he likes frzn silversides and some live stuff too. he can be very lazy cause he doesnt have to hunt, besides his hunting skills arent that great. kind of sad but funny to watch an eel miss over an over. when hes hungry he will come out and be seen letting me know that its dinner time. otherwise he just hangs out relaxing under some lr. the others were right about digging under sand and rocks so be careful with your corals. good luck to the both of u


thanx hunter,
dave 15- thats awesome how do they do together is there a dominate one or are all of them buddies??