Snowflake moray eel

i just bought one and i am having the dickens trying to get this little fella to eat... what do they eat??? i tried brine shrimp and krill so far


He wont eat brine shrimp. I feed mine krill, silversides, octo, shrimp. They need meaty foods. If you just got him it may take him a few days to eat. Good luck with your eel, you wont be dissapointed.


same place you buy the eel or buy the shrimp made for people


snowflake eel will eat krill, siversides, sand eels, squid cubes.
they don`t eat every day. feed every 2-3 days only.
do not try to overfeed. petsmart or ***** usually have krill and silversides in their freezers , goodluck.


I bought an SF at and he eats just wal-mart raw shrimp, raw scallop meat, and squid. Mine ate the first hour I had him. Everyones is different. Mine loves eating and is as peacful as could be. One other thing is feed him with a feeding stick so he gets the food and also cause they bite hard! (experience talking).


Active Member
Don't worry if yours is hesitant to eat right away. Generally they are shy when first introduced to a tank, especially when they are babies. These guys can go months without eating with no real consequences.


Mine was about six inches, so tiny and cute, when he came home, the first thing he did was eat the feather duster worm and made a cave out of the tube. His eyes were bigger than his tummy because he couldn't swallow all of the worm and we had to pull it out (carefully) and break it off (yuck). He has been a pig ever since, he can get picky but he will never refuse some squid!


New Member
Mine is about 7.5", I just bought him last week. I feed him small pieces of shrimp and krill, and he loves it! He took the shrimp the first time I tried feeding him (the day after I bought him), but the guy at the pet store told me he would have to be weaned off of live food first, before he would eat anything non-living.


Just put mine in the tank this afternoon. Alot smaller than I thought he'd be. While I was acclimating him, I dropped a piece of frozen mysis shrimp cube in the box, and he jumped all over it. After I got him in the tank, I fed amother cube to the existing tank, and he was swimming all over the place chasing down the broken pieces falling in the tank. Don't know if he'll keep eating it. I'll get some krill and silversides tomorrow just in case.


when you feed them, do you notice a full belly? where would the belly get full?
i cant tell on mine, it seems he puffs up around his throat area, is that the stomach?


I'd just set something next to their lair and see if they'll eat. Mine has found a hole in one of my LR, and that's where he stays. All I see is his little head pop out every now and then. I took a krill and stuffed it in the hole. Couple minutes later, it disappeared, and all I saw was this cloud of remains come flying out of the hole. Guess he was hungry.


i dunno about the frozen mysis, its way too small for them, they cant catch all those little bits and dont even attempt too, at least mine doesnt and hes still pretty small


Originally Posted by rstiles
Just a long shot either the eel is now eating or passed away post is from Dec 06 now Aug 07

oh man lol
i never look at the date of posts
okee this topic is dead, hopefully not like the eel