Snowflake moray. MUST READ lol


Went to LFS to help build racks and for compensation was asked what I wanted. I said live rock. Got probably 30-40 lbs.Put it in dry bag inside foam box. Get home put straight in qt tank LUCKILY. little did I know go back few hours later to seperate rocks into few other of my tanks tahdah I got an 8" snowflake as a hitch hiker guess I picked the right rock today. I did the right thing and called them to let them know and he said just keep it. What gets me it was out of the water for about 45 minutes and is still alive and doing well so far. Now for the problem: what divi do with it? My 75g display is full of corals and decent clean up crew. Frag tank is just that a frag tank. I've read and read some more about marine life but never about eels guess I didn't plan on having one. But now I do. What to feed it? Is substrate required? I do have it a few rocks in the QT for hiding but no sand. So..... Should I try to sell it or what I'm clueless please help with my find of the week


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by tonysearsjr http:///t/393532/snowflake-moray-must-read-lol#post_3501478
Make that 2 eels! Also a 10".
LOL...I have no idea..the only thing that ever came on my rock was aptasia. To get two snowflake eels...!!! Wow. The only thing I know about them is that they like to live in the rocks, which you already know...I'm following along to see what others tell you on their care.


I have one and feed it frozen prawns and it loves them. When I got mine he hid for two weeks and I thought he was gone. He finally emerged from hiding and is getting more brave when it's feeding time. Their eyesight is really bad and mine struggles a bit to find food that could be real close by. I don't have mine too long and I've only seen him eat off the bottom sand. He hides in the rocks and under them at all times and comes out only to eat. Once he grabs a bite to eat, he is quick to grab and then quickly goes to hide to munch it down. I don't have corals so I cant give advise on that, but I can tell you they can grow to about 3 feet long given the right environment. Good luck.