snowflake moray


i was wondering if i can put a snowflake moray eel in my aquarium (29 gallons). i would keep it there for sometime and when it will get to big i will upgrade to a bigger tank. My aquarium includes: 1 niger trigger, 1 three spot damselfish, 1 yellowtail blue, coral beauty, occellaris and couple of snails and hermits. I had this tank for over 2 years now with no problems.


Active Member
i have one in a 29 that will soon be upgraded to a larger aquarium. I would say that it would be fine as long as you only have him in there when he is realy small, but you have a good amount of fish in there already. they grow fast too. And a niger trigger needs a much larger aquarium than a 29. i hope you are looking to upgrade hijm too.


My friend (his name is patrick and he doesnt have internet), he wanted to know if a snowflake moray would do good with a yellowtail blue, mandarin and hermits


Active Member
that would depend on the snowflake. The one i have is very peacefull. He is only agressive when my valentini puffer tries to eat all of his krill!! Besides taht he is fine. He wont even eat silversides..... and i have tried many many times. When he was realy hungary, i tried and he would bite it, rip it off, then let it go immediatly. however, many snowflakes will eat anything that will get in their mouths. A yellowtail blue.....damsel? That would fit quite nicely in a snowflakes mouth. I actualy saw one that ate one at my LFS about 2 hours ago. A dragonette would too.
i would not recomend it unless he has previously seen the snowflake and has been able to observe the behavior.
and as you saw in a previous post, they can eat all of your hermits too. it jsut depends on the snowflake