snowflake morays with crustaceans

has anyone here had a snowflake moray with crabs or shrimp before? i would like to have a snowflake moray, but im afraid it would eat the shrimp and crabs and snails??? has anyone had any problems with the snowflake eels?


Active Member
I've never had a problem keeping my SFE with snails, hermits, and crabs. I've never tried keeping shrimp with them though. I think he'd make a snack out of the shrimps.


i keep my snowflake in my reef with no problems. the only time he doesnt like the shrimp and crabs around him is at feeding time.


ive kept mine in there with cleaners and peppermints and no problems but it depends with snowfakes and how agressive they are but u can get an idea of it at feeding time my not aggressive at all i hand feed mine but if urs durin feedin time will get food and go lookin for somethin else like lookin or followin a fish for a lil i dont think u can do it


New Member
Mine ate my sally lite foot crab and a blue reef damsal. But the damsal asked for it, he kept tail bashing the eel in the face and running around to the eel's rear and bitting him. :D


today my snowflake just jumped to his death. the tank had 7 red leg hermits and 3 blue damsels and a christmas wrasse. it was fine with them as long as u kept it well fed. i might get a new one because they are so cool but ive had a good experience. i dont know about shrimp. ive heard since hermits have a shell they are safe but i dont think so. try one shrimp/crab and see how that goes for a few days and then make a decision knowing your eels personality.


New Member
Though mine has never got out of the tank, I am told they can survive for some time out of the water. Even if they seem dead and had dried up some. I was told to put them in a bucket of water from my tank to be sure if they are dead because many times they will start to breath and will recover. One of my friends has one that got out of his tank, for an unknown amount of time and was lifeless and stiff. He said he threw him back in the tank and he lives to this day.


Active Member
I had a snow flake and zebra both get out once. when I came home from work, there they were all fussed up from the carpet and stiff as moses staff. I threw them both back into the tank and off they swam after 10-15 min.