Snowflake question


I have been away for a while, and I just aquired a new 90 gal tank,filters,lights with metal halide lighting, chiller,stand,canopy,
corals,starfish,120lbs of LR,LS,chemicals and the works. It comes
with a snowflake eel. My question is what can I keep with that?
Thanks in sdvance!
I wouldn't go with much else in there, definetly a slightly larger aggressive fish but with the size of the tank your kind of limited.


I have an 80 gallon with a SF eel and I have a yellow tang a flame hawkfish and a maroon clown a couple of shrimp with no problems at all.My SF is very docile and I keep him well feed and I have never had a problem with him but I have heard that some of them can be very agressive.I would probaly wait and see how his personality is before I added anything else with him.


I have a snow flake (24 inchs) in a 55 with a maroon clown full grown, a rabbit fish, a hawk fish,all together for over 3 years no problems just keep it well fed best to use a stick.


Thanks guys for all of the info. Once I get some pics I will post them. Hopefully I you guys will like it.


Active Member
I have a baby sfe 6" in a 55 w/2 ocellaris clownfish. I have 2 firefish in QT right now that will be joinging them in a few weeks. If they are well feed they shoud be able to be kept w/most fish. I don't think they really limit your stock very much at all as far as fish go. It does depend on their personality, I'm sure, but they tend to be more docile than aggressive. Check out his personality and add carefully and you should be fine.


yes keep them well fed. I have a 13" sfe and i didn't feed him for a day in a half and he ended up eating my purple phsydochromis. Now i keep him well fed and he hasnt shwn any threat to my damsels at all. The blue damsel i have acualy is more assertive than he is. He always swims up to him with his head out of his hole and slaps him around with his tail. Its quite a show :)