

New Member
I have had my setup for a little over 6 months now with damsels, stars and stripes puffer, and a snowflake eel. For the past week or so the eel is nowhere to be seen. Is this normal? I have read online that they have been known to "hibernate" for up to three weeks. I believe that it is inside a piece of rock since that was the main hiding spot for it. If it is dead, how would I go about removing this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Active Member
How Big is your tank? Is it sealed properly? How much LR? Eels have been known as very good escape artists, u may want to check the floor around and behind the tank. I had a blue ribbon eel once that was able to lift up the top of the lid and climb out. Otheriwse id do a

search within the tank. An eel would probably produce alot of ammonia in the tank if it dies and decomposes.