So being everything got wiped out.........I will ask again


How long does it take for fish to grow up? I have two very small maroon clowns. Also can I add 3 green chromis? I have a 40 gal f* o. I also have a small yellow tang. I know you are going to tell me I can't have him. I didn't know that until after I purchased him and lfs didn't say anything.I have had him for about a month and he seems fine. Anyway I thank you for your wisdom!


So you are saying that I can only have about five fish in my tank???? Why do I read that other people put more in? I guess I thought as long as the fish were small and won't get too big ie: clown and chromis, I could put in a few more, eventually. I marvel at the lfs tank I believe it is 100 gal and is a reef. He has quite a number of fish as well as beautiful corals and such. Is it because it's a reef that you can have more fish?


Thank you PL.......I will take your adivse and hold up on what I have. I guess I'll have to buy a bigger tank and build the house around it. hahah


Expect that yellow tang to be a problem adding any new fish in a small tank like that!!! Tangs should be added LAST!