So do I keep the hippo?


Well as you can tell by my previous posts I no longer have a YT and just my hippo. I am wondering If i should keep him. Will I be able to add any other fish, or will he kill them too?? Is a 55 too small for a hippo if I do keep him??


55 is going to be too small for a hippo as it matures and grows IMO. A mature, full grown hippo tang can reach up to 12" in length. After reading the other post, I doubt the hippo ate the yellow as tangs are very much herbivores.


New Member
you can definitely put other fish in but often times same species fish just cant be kept together exspecially if you dont have a very large tank.


keep the hippo as ANY 2 fish may battle for territory esp in a 55g, upgrade to a larger tank if keeping tangs are your goal. 55g is for 4-5in fish and smaller. too many hobbiest buy small tanks and end up wanting/buying large >5in fish to put in them, sorry just a very frequent observation. poor dead fishies (your yellow tang included) Good luck


I seriously doubt your hippo killed your YT. It could have caused the stress to cause the YT to die - so maybe, yes. But it certainly didn't eat it. Two tangs in a smaller tank like that will cause stress - usually one of them will win over the other.



Originally posted by logan15
but he DID NOT kill your other fish

Maybe you all are underestimating the power of the blue tang!!
I had to get rid of mine about a month ago because he was becoming WAY too aggressive. I believe it is very possible that he killed your yellow tang. Mine was beating up on my purcupine puffer and my damsel. Yes, my DAMSEL, the meanest fish in there.
My porky's tail was down to a bloody stump, and the damsel's fins were completely shredded. He was literally eating them alive! I think that if I had left him in there, he would have killed the both of them. Since I got rid of him, the porky's tail has grown back, along with the damsel's fins.


Just added the smallest blue hippo I could find yesterday (2") and am in the process of removing the three (original inhabitants) blue damsels. The damsels are way too agressive for this new-comer and since the damsels are $3 fish and my hippo was $30, guess who's taking the porcelain highway. My Sebae clown (who is larger ) stands his own ground against the damsels. He has sided with the hippo and they seem to be OK together but Hippo has been mostly in hiding since he arrived. JM2C


Active Member
But...But...I thought "ALL Drains Lead to the Ocean"...
That's what they said in the Movie...:notsure:


But...But...I thought "ALL Drains Lead to the Ocean"...
That's only in Syndey, Austraillia, right?:D
Only had to get rid of the "leader of the pack". The dominant large damsel. The smaller two remain. I could not find anyone to take this menace fish.

mr. tuna

Active Member
a hippo killed you other fish??? no way.. blue hippo tangs are cool
. But by the way.. i would say that a 55 is too small for a hippo. They need lots of space, and lots of rockwork.