So easy a Caveman can do it????


Active Member
Well I took out the ole label maker and went to town.. Now even my wife can figure out the plugs,incase there is an emergency while Im at work.
Anybody else got a cluster **** under the tank??

tx reef

Active Member
Looks a lot like the mess of wires I have....I am going to borrow my company's label maker and do that tonight....


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
Looks a lot like the mess of wires I have....I am going to borrow my company's label maker and do that tonight....
Hey TX, a little tip for ya. When spelling out a word,put blank spaces in front of and after the word so you have enough "tape" to wrap around the wire. For instance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ POWERHEAD_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.


Active Member

Originally Posted by ifirefight
So easy A caveman could do it

Well I took out the ole label maker and went to town.. Now even my wife can figure out the plugs..
Did you just say your wife is dumb as a caveman.........? LOL.
Great idea.....the label thing, not the insult your wife thing. LOL


Active Member
ReefForBrains said:
Did you just say your wife is dumb as a caveman.........? LOL.
I didnt actually say it....but if the shoe fits....
Actually she is very smart,she is a Trauma Intensive care Nurse, but that means NOTHING when it comes to my fishtank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Did you just say your wife is dumb as a caveman.........? LOL.
Great idea.....the label thing, not the insult your wife thing. LOL

Damn it RFB..................... you beat me to it



Here's how I did mine. The pictures are before the sump was in the stand - it's easier to see what it looks like. The small photo size makes it hard to read, but each outlet is labeled based on what is plugged in. The outlets that feed the UPS's and, in turn, the powerstrips, are labeled accordingly. The UPS's sit beside the stand and are used for the 'mission critical' components (return pump, heater, powerheads). I am very (very) - did I say "very"? particular about neatness when it comes to cabling. Comes from years of running Cat5/6 UTP, fiber and power for data centers

(1) ReefKeeper outlet box - the bottom two outlets connect to the multiple outlet strips via the UPS's and each outlet is labeled
(2) Multiple Outlet Strips - each one is labeled based on the connected devices
(3) Overall view
Comments Welcome



How about you all just waste tons of label maker tape and mark the outlets and wires and then figure up some sort of color scheme just in case your wife cant read. If my wife was that retarted I think I'd have to trade her in. I wonder I Nissan would take her - that new G35 coupe is pretty sweet...


Active Member
i should really label all of my electrical too, its just an accident waiting to happen. paid good money to see sanjay joshi speek and dont even follow his advice
. i know what im doing this weekend...


All these wires arethe part of the hobby that scares me. It seems to me that all these wires + to much of a power draw = a potential fire. Then throw in a small leak(DIY sump) or a overflow onto the floor = Electrocution. But then throw in a GFCI. I don't know !

Nice job on the wiring though !


Active Member
Originally Posted by slowburn22
How about you all just waste tons of label maker tape and mark the outlets and wires and then figure up some sort of color scheme just in case your wife cant read. If my wife was that retarted I think I'd have to trade her in. I wonder I Nissan would take her - that new G35 coupe is pretty sweet...

If you dont have anything nice to say.......... But my wife does have BIG "thingys"...... NOT worth trading.


Caveman wife here....LOL...I need to have my husband do this. Just today we had our power go out....power comes back on, overflows not flowing - tank overflowing....blowing air know the story. I am on the phone with hubby who is 2 states away. He tells me to unplug the pumps....sure honey - which plug is it? The one on the left....thanks that helps. Then I have to get the overflows working again......big ole mouthfuls of tank water - ick.......
I am forwarding him this thread........


Active Member
I will glady spend any amount and not consider it a waste when Im the guy on the other end of the phone when she calls and one of powerheads has fallen into the sandbed, and without the labels most wifes would just say:
"I dunno, I dont know whats what, so I just turned off everything."
Once of prevention..........


Active Member
Originally Posted by slowburn22
I still am waiting for pictures of these wives suck starting an overflow...
... ok I'll stop.

hhhhhmmmmmmm i imagine it would look something like this
AAHHHHH it's in my mouth