So excited I almost WET myself !!!!!!!!!

Today......I installed my overflow stuff and added my sand !!! YEAH !!! This weekend it will be transfer time for all my fishies, rock and critters !!!
Sand bed deep enough ? I'll seed it with some LS from the 75g. It is 100% Southdown. (Which I have a fair amount of leftover for anyone local that is interested.)
Showing almost 5" from the stand. There is about 1" below the stand line, so I should be at 6" deep (dry). I'm figuring about 3/4 to 1" of compression when wet.

richard rendos

Active Member
I think one of the most fun parts of this hobby is setting up new tanks. I love stacking rock. I try to make each one unique.
mike, why aren't you killing camel riders yet? I was thinking that you would hold out for some Sahara sand for you DSB:D Wish I could go with ya man!
nolofinwe - yep still setup (until this weekend). The 90 will be setup VERY similar. And yep, here's a pic ...
ranger - I'm a network guy. My shop has a GySgt. over there now and I am next to go. I asked to go, so they are trying to get me a spot. Who would have thought, the guy that wants to go can't. Oh well, when the Gunny is gone, I'll be next.
That is a beautiful setup, Mike!
I missed the first rumble in the desert. I had just gotten back from Ranger School, and our BC told us to "make sure all of our loose ends were tied up" over the next few days. ^ months later I was still living out of C bags and the war was over. Oh well, at least my girl married me as a precautionary measure.