I'm just sick and tired of the crud at work right now (and me + hacked off = verbose
). I try to be honest that there are problems there but be loyal at the same time by not getting too detailed and being supportive but I'm at the point that I need to tell SOMEONE and figure out what to do, if anything!
Most folks know I work as the Aquatics Specialist at ***** and that although I won't say there's not problems in my store I know there are problems in other stores. Still I do a DARN good job and I'm proud of my particular department! I skip breaks, work my tail off, and don't ask a single other person there to do a thing to help out except to do the job they get paid for (like my garbage that's supposed to be taken out at night and never is, picking up after themselves, not feeding the fish because they always overfeed and think it's fascinating to give goldfish to the saltwater fish and cichlids, etc.) I've shown that if you work hard, do your job, and care about your area one person CAN make it work so the only reason the rest of the store looks like CRAP is lazy %$# people there. They take extra breaks, spend a lot of time on personal phone calls, chat with each other...
And part of the reason they feel so comfortable slacking off like this is because our head manager does it too and even participates with them!! Not only that but despite the company policy against hiring family members she's hired her husband (who very quickly got promoted to a very nice salaried postion in another store!), nephew, and now her husband's uncle! It's all very cliquish and if you don't belong to the group she really pushes you to your limits!
A lot of people here know that I've been having tons of problems trying to get my saltwater section healthy and well stocked because everytime I'm off for a day or two I come back to find that they all have horrible cases of ich. I'm not allowed to medicate anything unless I talk to our corp boss about it but so far she refuses to let me medicate. She keeps telling me to give them freshwater dips which obviously isn't doing a thing!
I talk to my manager about it telling her that I'd much rather try a course of hyposalinity than copper. She doesn't know a darn thing about it so I have to convince her that hyposalinity will NOT kill the fish if done correctly! Her words to me were "do it and don't tell me about it". So I start slowly lowering the salt but the funny thing is everytime I go back in the salt is "magically" back up at least some and more than evaporation would explain! Still I was managing to keep them alive, even though the ich was still there, by sneaking tetracycline into their food and keeping the temp low.
I email the corp boss again because she's getting upset that week after week I'm not ordering new saltwater fish. She tells me to call our saltwater vendor to see what he says. He agrees with me!! I outlined a plan of setting the temperatures a bit lower and lowering the salt content and he agreed 100%! So I start trying to slowly lower the salinity again.
Then our corp boss calls up to say that the reason for the ich is because the temp is low! In total frustration I tell myself "FINE! I'll raise the temp and she'll see that if it makes any difference at all it'll be for the worse!" Sure enough I start losing fish! Thinking that maybe it would help if I put more oxygen into the water to compensate for the higher temp I tried putting a pump with bubble stones into the sump and found out that the outlet that the heater uses isn't working at all anyway! So they're getting cold at night then soaring back up during the day along with their salinity going up and down...it's no wonder they're all sick and dying!!!
We had a visit from the corp boss Thurs. I go to get my paycheck today and find a note based on the boss' visit saying I must keep the salinity exactly at 1.018, change out the betta water especially the crowntails (I changed every one of them out just Wed, the day before her visit, plus why "especially crown's"??? Do they poop more than veiltails??? NO! I think it's strictly because the crowntails cost more!!!), clean out behind my desk (well I'd have more time for that sort of thing rather than spending ALL my time just trying to keep my fish ALIVE if others would do their darn jobs!!!), keep the temp at 78 (with a note that it was 67 that morning!), put in more thermometers (which they won't order for me so how???), and refill the cups in the fresh tanks with rock salt (if I put new salt in every time what's in there dissolves into the water those poor freshwater fish are going to quickly be living (what a joke, dying!) in a higher salinity than my salt fish!!!) And to top it off she ordered new saltwater fish even though the few surviving in the tanks already are sick!!!
Most folks know I work as the Aquatics Specialist at ***** and that although I won't say there's not problems in my store I know there are problems in other stores. Still I do a DARN good job and I'm proud of my particular department! I skip breaks, work my tail off, and don't ask a single other person there to do a thing to help out except to do the job they get paid for (like my garbage that's supposed to be taken out at night and never is, picking up after themselves, not feeding the fish because they always overfeed and think it's fascinating to give goldfish to the saltwater fish and cichlids, etc.) I've shown that if you work hard, do your job, and care about your area one person CAN make it work so the only reason the rest of the store looks like CRAP is lazy %$# people there. They take extra breaks, spend a lot of time on personal phone calls, chat with each other...
And part of the reason they feel so comfortable slacking off like this is because our head manager does it too and even participates with them!! Not only that but despite the company policy against hiring family members she's hired her husband (who very quickly got promoted to a very nice salaried postion in another store!), nephew, and now her husband's uncle! It's all very cliquish and if you don't belong to the group she really pushes you to your limits!
A lot of people here know that I've been having tons of problems trying to get my saltwater section healthy and well stocked because everytime I'm off for a day or two I come back to find that they all have horrible cases of ich. I'm not allowed to medicate anything unless I talk to our corp boss about it but so far she refuses to let me medicate. She keeps telling me to give them freshwater dips which obviously isn't doing a thing!
I talk to my manager about it telling her that I'd much rather try a course of hyposalinity than copper. She doesn't know a darn thing about it so I have to convince her that hyposalinity will NOT kill the fish if done correctly! Her words to me were "do it and don't tell me about it". So I start slowly lowering the salt but the funny thing is everytime I go back in the salt is "magically" back up at least some and more than evaporation would explain! Still I was managing to keep them alive, even though the ich was still there, by sneaking tetracycline into their food and keeping the temp low.
I email the corp boss again because she's getting upset that week after week I'm not ordering new saltwater fish. She tells me to call our saltwater vendor to see what he says. He agrees with me!! I outlined a plan of setting the temperatures a bit lower and lowering the salt content and he agreed 100%! So I start trying to slowly lower the salinity again.
Then our corp boss calls up to say that the reason for the ich is because the temp is low! In total frustration I tell myself "FINE! I'll raise the temp and she'll see that if it makes any difference at all it'll be for the worse!" Sure enough I start losing fish! Thinking that maybe it would help if I put more oxygen into the water to compensate for the higher temp I tried putting a pump with bubble stones into the sump and found out that the outlet that the heater uses isn't working at all anyway! So they're getting cold at night then soaring back up during the day along with their salinity going up and down...it's no wonder they're all sick and dying!!!
We had a visit from the corp boss Thurs. I go to get my paycheck today and find a note based on the boss' visit saying I must keep the salinity exactly at 1.018, change out the betta water especially the crowntails (I changed every one of them out just Wed, the day before her visit, plus why "especially crown's"??? Do they poop more than veiltails??? NO! I think it's strictly because the crowntails cost more!!!), clean out behind my desk (well I'd have more time for that sort of thing rather than spending ALL my time just trying to keep my fish ALIVE if others would do their darn jobs!!!), keep the temp at 78 (with a note that it was 67 that morning!), put in more thermometers (which they won't order for me so how???), and refill the cups in the fresh tanks with rock salt (if I put new salt in every time what's in there dissolves into the water those poor freshwater fish are going to quickly be living (what a joke, dying!) in a higher salinity than my salt fish!!!) And to top it off she ordered new saltwater fish even though the few surviving in the tanks already are sick!!!