So happy this morning.


Well about 1 week ago I went out to my LFS and bought a rose Sebae Anemone. Well the firs day/night, it spent moving to a place that it liked. 2nd day he would not open up until the night. Yea I was a little worried thinking I would have to pull it. Well from then on it was opening up during the day and night. Now that my 50$ Sebae was doing what it was suppose to (Showing its 3" mouth area) I was extremely happy. Then I wake up this morning, go get my coffee, then look in the tank to see the Sebae in a ball again. So I turn on the lights and give it a few mins to see what it will do. After drinking my coffee I went back to check on it, and to my surprise, there is now a 2nd Sebae in the tank just inches from the original 1. Whoo hoo. He split and I never even seen it coming. So happy now, and my false Perculas have taken to both of them. They are no longer hosting to my leathers.
Guess it is a good day in the 120g.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Wow, that is really a two for deal. Two for the price of one and your clown's have taken to it so fast. NICE


Congratulations! I don't know a lot about anemones, that's really cool that they can multiply like that. Do they split often?


Originally Posted by tirtza http:///t/390003/so-happy-this-morning#post_3450927
Congratulations! I don't know a lot about anemones, that's really cool that they can multiply like that. Do they split often?
That I don't know. These are my first Anemone's in about 4 years. Yea I mainly had a FLOWR, but if they do I really cant wait as I will sell them once they try to go out of control. Maybe someone else will know I hope as I would like to know too.