So has anyone been able to keep a Clam under PC lights?


Active Member
I got a hear say report this past week of a clam doing well under PCs. Report was 8 watts per gallon over a 75. Not sure how they even fit that much fixture over a tank that size but thats there story.
For that kind of money though you could buy a clamp on MH and spot light the clam in your tank. If you decide to do this acclimate him to the light slowly so he doesn't decide to move on you. Short periods of spot lighting at first and then slowly start to extend it. Basically the same way you would go about getting a nice suntan without burning the heck out of your skin. :joy:


well, clam is still doing ok...been searching again for MH lights, have some money now.
please go to a site that rhymes with aquatraders and look at their 48" light MH it a good deal
only thing is that the clam footed into a rock kinda in the crevice, and because of his location, he cannot open as fully as he used to....but he has been there for like 2 months now....would he have moved if he didnt like it?


Make sure you place the crocea on a rock. Even if he is on the bottom he should be on a flat rock. I understand they like that. They will attach to the rock over time.
I kept my crocea under pcs for about 9 months. He did just fine. He was in a deluxe nano cube. I kept him about half way up. But he is somewhat small. Some people have told me that until they get about 4" they will feed on plankton more than on photosynthesis from the zooxanthellae.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rujelus22
With a Crocea I've never heard of anyone being successful with anything under t-5's, putting him highter on the rocks would help but he will probably not be happy
I have had a crocea for almost a year under PCs and he is growing nicely. I do feed him DTs and cyclopeese and it is a 29G with 200 watts and he is high on the rock.