So i take it that my anemone is dead?


Active Member
so for the past month my anemone has been closed up and has brown stringy poop hanging from it all the time. It does not feel sticky/sting to the touch and it can never stay planted (drifts sometimes in the current). my water is also slightly a cloudy white color and my snails seem kinda stunned (not moving that much/not at all). so im assuming i should take it out because it is dead?


Originally Posted by naclfish
oh yeah you'll never forget the smell of rotten nem....yum

+1 on this quote. Also, if you can, use a container versus a net...that way it will not disintegrate in the net and nuke the tank...I tell you from experience. :(


Active Member
With your corals acting weird are you sure a heater or a pump isn't going or gone bad?
Is this the tank you have been playing with for a refug? If so, maybe somthing got mixed in that is upseting the tank?


If you think it's dead, smell it! LOL You'll know. It's one of the worst smells ... EVER!
I must say this though, sometimes, before they split, they look like they're dead and act a little funky.
Sounds like you have more a problem on your hands than just the possibility of a dying anemone though. What are your water parameters?

deon nyc

Originally Posted by gio28
so for the past month my anemone has been closed up and has brown stringy poop hanging from it all the time. It does not feel sticky/sting to the touch and it can never stay planted (drifts sometimes in the current). my water is also slightly a cloudy white color and my snails seem kinda stunned (not moving that much/not at all). so im assuming i should take it out because it is dead?

my anemone is open and feeding but it is under a rock facin up-side-down he has not been in the light for about 3days now is he ok. has anyone ever seen this done b4


Originally Posted by Deon NYC
my anemone is open and feeding but it is under a rock facin up-side-down he has not been in the light for about 3days now is he ok. has anyone ever seen this done b4
yup, they do this. you should be fine. anemones have a mind of their own. they'll go where they think is best for them (which is normally best)


Active Member
i dont have any other corals at the moment (plan to start soon) and my sump isnt hooked up yet.
params are
calcium-within good range
idk what is the problem, and i smelt my smelt fishy but not OH MY GOD...GROSS! so i think it may still be alive, and it did not disintegrate. my clown actually keeps trying to host it but loses interest cause them nem is very sick or something.
my tanks other inhabitants are great...cleaner shrimp, emeralds crabs, and hermits + the serpent star when i can see its arms. the snails seem very lazy. my clownfish is always active and eats regularly.


Active Member
it is redder than it seems in both pics, and it is also very soft a squishy and not a firm squishy like it was before.

its underside:


Active Member
lol i put it back in its usual spot.
just thought was dyed when i bought it and is almost normal now, so could it still be recovering? my light is a 150watt phoenix in a 36 gallon tank. it does stay in the sand or close to it though so it doesn't seem to like that much for some reason.


Active Member
i will let it roam and hopefully it doesnt get stuck in my koralias. i will wait a few weeks and see if it gets better, although it has been getting worse i think (pictures dont justify) for quite a few months now.


Active Member
good idea, will try that.
anyways...i gotta go write an essay in stupid MLA format
cause i procrastinated as usual, i'll see how the nem is after school tomorrow and post its progress.


It looks fine!!! I think it's just trying to find it's own spot in the tank, that's all. My one GBTA has been walking all over one side of my tank this afternoon, which it never does. It might still be recovering, it may also be splitting, just leave it be. Maybe try to feed in a couple of days?