My scrubber was working great. It greatly reduced the amount of algae in the tanks, but then I had a malfunction in the pump and I haven't fixed it yet. The algae quickly returned.
I'm bad at testing my levels, I just try to keep up with regular water changes. and would test if stuff wasn't looking good.
but since i've had some issues with equipment, I think i'm going to be doing some work on the plumbing, wiring, and sump so i've got a question. I've mentioned before of feeding the scrubber with the overflow from my tanks and was told that would work. The only issue i'm concerned with here is how do I know the slit in the pipe will be enough for it to flow freely as quickly as it would un restricted? I don't want my tanks to overflow. Using a pump there was a force behind it to push the water through, without that i'm not sure what would happen