So I'm an idiot and need advice lol.


New Member
So Im one of those impatient hobbyist and made the dumb decision to add clownfish before my tank cycled. I know it was dumb but now I need advice on how to try and keep these guys alive... My specific gravity is .24 I dont know my salinity as I only have a hydrometer. I added a 6lb live rock i set it up with live sand. and regular sand. I also have 3 non-live rocks a formed a couple little caves with. I have two over the back filters w/bio-wheels a 350gph and a 200gph. I also purchased a 700gph power head for more circulation. I also added a bottle of bio-spera for more bacteria. My ph is 8.1 no nitrates yet. and temp is 76. Any other advice on this? my tank is 48 hours old and I have 3 clowns. I know it was dumb.


Active Member
Lets see what others say, but the best thing may be to return the fish to your LFS until your cycle has established.
I think you might mean your specific gravity is 1.024.
What size is your tank and what are your ultimate goals with this tank?
Welcome to the site!

mr. limpid

Active Member
I agree with Slice return the fish, also 3 clowns are not wise they will fight and ones that survive will be bad off. Best to return them now.


New Member
my tank is a 55 gal. my goal is to do a reef tank with anemone. for clowns. I also want to do a blue tang, and some blennies or gobbies. I like the flame dwarf angel but heard they arent good with anemone. and yes specific gravity is 1.024. My local LFS who is a family owned business and it is a saltwater only shop they have been in business for 20+ years, stated that I had a 50/50 shot at them surviving. But that I needed to add one more clown to make 2 pairs or I would possibly have issues in the future adding clowns. I wanted 4 clowns total.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by fordman1282 http:///t/389787/so-im-an-idiot-and-need-advice-lol#post_3447166
my tank is a 55 gal. my goal is to do a reef tank with anemone good idea to buy a anemone that has a clown that all ready has taken to it. Ask the LFS to put them together to see which one takes to it may take a while. for clowns. I also want to do a blue tang your tank is to small need a 6' long tank, and some blennies or gobbies. I like the flame dwarf angel but heard they arent good with anemone i haven't heard this. and yes specific gravity is 1.024. My local LFS who is a family owned business and it is a saltwater only shop they have been in business for 20+ years, stated that I had a 50/50 shot at them surviving. But that I needed to add one more clown to make 2 pairs or I would possibly have issues in the future adding clowns. I wanted 4 clowns total would not advise doing this maybe in a large system 240 gal +. 2 clowns will claim your entire tank as there territory and will see any other clown as intruders.


Active Member
not to pick on the family but they need to get out of the salt fish business untill they learn ALOT tangs in a tank that small.pairing clowns dont work.if they said 50/50 chance why did you do it?take the fish back.
let the tank cycle.get a refractor for salinity.


Fordman1282 it sounds like you're jumping into this hobby blindly and as you said, without patience. This hobby is literally all about patience and without it, you will have a very hard time and probably lose a lot of money in the process. As others have said, its probably best if you took the clowns back and waited for the tank to finish its first cycle.
As for the Tang IMO, you will be ok getting one young and small... but in a few years you will need to take him out of the tank and either trade him in at an LFS or maybe by then you will have a bigger tank he can go into lol.
Also FYI anemones have been mention in this thread a few times so if you're considering one many anemones need very strong light to survive (maybe close to the same amount of light a clam needs) and also have a super low survival rate in tanks under a year old.
I'd hate to see you spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars only to have your animals survive for only a few months.
Oh and don't take one store's word as law. Go to several places with questions. There are some stores out there that will tell you anything you want to hear if it means a sale... doesn't matter if the advise is false or if it could lead to whatever creature it is that you want to buy to its death... a sale is a sale to some people.
As a matter of fact... go to a store and tell them you just finished cycling your tank and want to add some starfish. If they tell you don't do it yet, its probably a good store with honest salespeople.


New Member
thank you guys for the advice. My only problem is if I take them back to the LFS wont they encounter even more stress? Im taking it that none of you think they will survive even if I watch everything closely and do frequent water changes to lower nitrates and ammonia when they start to spike? I have also currently got 3 ocelleris two normal and one black....that got put in the tank the same day. should I just keep the 3? I wanted 4 total 2 black and 2 normal? should I take one back? the two normal are from the same LFS they where in the same tank. The black one is from a different LFS.


Good lord man please take them back!!!
Adding the fish to the tank before the cycle was complete is bad enough, but (unless I'm reading this wrong) 8 fish going into the tank at the same time will create a HUGE ammonia spike that will surely kill them all.
At most you should be adding 1 or two fish to your tank after each complete cycle, which can take 2-4 weeks at a time. Adding a lot of fish at once will create more ammonia than the bacteria in your tank can handle and then no more fish :(

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by fordman1282 http:///t/389787/so-im-an-idiot-and-need-advice-lol#post_3447194
thank you guys for the advice. My only problem is if I take them back to the LFS wont they encounter even more stress Yes? Im taking it that none of you think they will survive even if I watch everything closely and do frequent water changes to lower nitrates and ammonia when they start to spike this will take a lot time and patience, maybe this is a good test for you, do take back the black one? I have also currently got 3 ocelleris two normal and one black....please take back, this guy has no chance for survival that got put in the tank the same day. should I just keep the 3 No only 2 ? I wanted 4 total 2 black and 2 normal not a good idea ? should I take one back Yes? the two normal are from the same LFS they where in the same tank. The black one is from a different LFS. If you choose to try to keep 2, you'll need a close watch on ammonia don't let it get over .5, .75 is danger and 1 is lethal. Do water changes and prime or amquel to reduce ammonia. This will also add more time to your cycling process. Good Luck


New Member
Im just going to try and keep these guys alive. Im working closely with my LSF I found a different one whos advice lines up more with your guys' advice. But he thinks we can get them through it. Adding bacteria every other day or so...monotoring Ammonia,nitrites,nitrates, water changes etc. Its day 3 and they are acting fine so far. Cross fingers. Also I have two over the back filters now one 350gph and one 200gph I was thinking of switching to canister...any thoughts and advice on which canister to get or if thats even a good switch?


Active Member
i would just keep the hob filters.also keep some new mixed saltwater on hand if you get an ammonia spike.i never heard of good bacteria in a bottle before.the stuff i heve heard of is like ammonia in a bottle to start the cycle.make sure it isnt that.if you are going to keep the fish in i would check the ammonia twice a day.nitrites and nitrates are no where near as bad to fish as ammonia is.


New Member
its API stress zyme....the LPS also gave me some of there bacteria they get for their systems. Which was rancid in smell. Why do you say keep new mixed saltwater on hand if ammonia spike? You mean for water change? What about the stuff you can buy that turns ammonia into non-toxic?


Active Member
the stress slime is to help against disease.yes most of us have amquil plus( anti toxin) on hand .it does work but it will give way off test results when you will still read ammonia but the fish go unharmed.and yes for a fast water change


Well-Known Member
glad to see some progress... and glad that you slowed down a bit.
Now is the time to research, research, research.
Welcome to the Forums! I hope you enjoy your stay!