So I'm an idiot and need advice lol.


i wouldnt worry to much about your nitrates...i know somebody who has constantly high nitrates with no issues...when i first started in this hobby i was impatient also but not as impatient as you a nutt shell you're starting a new world in your tank and it needs to grow and mature before you should add existing life glad your clowns have made it this far but unless you wait for the cycle of life to grow you're going to be throwing your money away and i speak from experience and im sure many on here can too...on another note if you do like throwing away money just let me know ill give you my information and you can just send it to me lol...there is tons and tons of good info on here so take your time and read read will save you a lot of headache in the long run...


Well-Known Member
Hi, and another welcome from me.
I read through the thread...there is a SOFT cycle you can do to help the fish. You have to have made up 24 hours in advance saltwater on hand, and as soon as you notice an ammonia spike do a 30% water change. This will keep the fish alive. It will streach out the cycle time but keep the fish safe.
Now for some good advice.
Do not get a small blue tang and plan to move it later...they are able to go flat and hide down to the last rock to get them out. That may not sound so hard, but remember a few years from now that will mean to compleatly break down the rock work and possibly stir up toxins deep in the sand...and could kill all the other fish in the tank. So get fish that are the right size for your tank to sustain them for their life span. do need more rock, like halfway up the tank amount of rock.
And last but not least. ONLY one pair of clowns per tank. SW fish are very territorial, and kill fish with the same body type or color. Keeping this in mind will save you a lot of money. Frankly my clown fish is the least liked in my tank...and if my mother didn't like them I wouldn't keep them at all. The only thing they do is hug the corner and don't swim around like other fish except at feeding time. They find something to hug and attach themselves to, like to input and output hoses on a canister filter...usually NOT the anemone you purchase for them.
Oh and speaking of anemones...they need a tank 6 months mature at least and a ton of bright lights...They eat fish or anything else stupid enough to get close to it. Should a clown actually go to it, they will protect the other critters by chasing them away from their buddy the anemone, but remember..clowns seldom do what you want them to. Also the anemone is able to detatch and move where they want. Like behind rocks, or in another inconenient spot. Add to that you have to cover all power heads or they commit sushi by getting sucked up into it. Also a covered Power head means it clogs fast and every week to every other day you will have to clean the material you cover the PH with. anemone = PAIN in the butt.
A fantastic companion to take to the fish store with you....

And a page so you can see the info it offers:

And the other must have with you book:

And another example page for you:


Well-Known Member
FWIW the only dumb question is the one not asked and an idiot does not ask for help. So you're neither. LOL
I recommend you start marine tanks with macro algaes (in a refugium usually). That way the fishs' wastes are converted into fish food.
welcome to forum
and just my .02


Active Member
I also definitely recommend macro algae!
And, if you also want to read in depth bout the hobby, take a look at The Reef Aquarium by J. Charles Delbeek and Julian Sprung.


New Member
Awesome! Thank you guys for the advice! I have finished the Nitrogen cycle. It only took 11 days. Dont worry I cheated. I purchased an established canister filter that had lots of bacteria in it. The best $50 I have spent. My ammonia is down to 0ppm nitrites-0ppm and Nitrates are at 15ppm ph is stable at 8.1 and Im using R.O. water now. As far as refugium I hear mixed reviews. The plants eat nitrates which is great but if the plant dies then all those toxins go right back into the tank which is not so great. My clowns are very active and fun to watch I did get 4 total and have had them all in there for almost 3 weeks and they are fine together. No fighting etc. As a matter of fact when they sleep they all huddle up together. So I guess I got lucky. I did a ton of research in the past 3 weeks asking a ton of questions to local LFS and others that are into the hobby. As everyone one knows there are 50 different opinions on this hobby so its hard to stick with one. I just take what I think makes sense and experience and go with it. I love all the advice and will definately purchase those books! I went and looked at a custom acrylic 266g last night for a good deal. Might get it if the wife lets me so keep fingers crossed lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fordman1282 http:///t/389787/so-im-an-idiot-and-need-advice-lol/20#post_3451280
Awesome! Thank you guys for the advice! I have finished the Nitrogen cycle. It only took 11 days. Dont worry I cheated. I purchased an established canister filter that had lots of bacteria in it. The best $50 I have spent. My ammonia is down to 0ppm nitrites-0ppm and Nitrates are at 15ppm ph is stable at 8.1 and Im using R.O. water now. As far as refugium I hear mixed reviews. The plants eat nitrates which is great but if the plant dies then all those toxins go right back into the tank which is not so great. My clowns are very active and fun to watch I did get 4 total and have had them all in there for almost 3 weeks and they are fine together. No fighting etc. As a matter of fact when they sleep they all huddle up together. So I guess I got lucky. I did a ton of research in the past 3 weeks asking a ton of questions to local LFS and others that are into the hobby. As everyone one knows there are 50 different opinions on this hobby so its hard to stick with one. I just take what I think makes sense and experience and go with it. I love all the advice and will definately purchase those books! I went and looked at a custom acrylic 266g last night for a good deal. Might get it if the wife lets me so keep fingers crossed lol.
Someone is giving you a bit of misinformation or old info as far as refugiums.......Any luck on the new tank......


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/389787/so-im-an-idiot-and-need-advice-lol/20#post_3452776
Someone is giving you a bit of misinformation or old info as far as refugiums.......Any luck on the new tank......
Not really...I read the same thing. This is why we harvest (remove the over growth) of the macro algae. As you remove the extra growth, the new grows eating the phospahtes and nitrates...this creates a healthy cycle making your tank water pristine. The warning was to not allow the macro to overgrow until it starts to die off on it's own, because the natural cycle is for the old macro to dump nutrients in as it dies to feed the new...our tanks are a closed little cube, not an ocean...we remove the old, to make way for the new...removing PO4 and NO3 as go.


Active Member
Flower I was more commenting on if plants die.... You are correct as far as harvesting, but I was also assuming he was referring to using calerpa as well for his fuge, and yes it can go asexual causing problems, again I was referring to better macro choices.


New Member
Yes I got a 210 gallon. Setting it up currently but I purchased it used....mistake.....I seen it with the canopy on it and everything looked GREAT! Until they delivered it and its got cracks around the bracing on top. One of the braces has a crack on it...So now im irritated. I will post pics and see what you guys think. Nevermind wont let me attach pics says Im not authorized. meh.


Active Member
you should be able to find a new top plastic rim brace.just razor off the old one and silicone on the new.i cant remember who sells them but i am sure if you google you can find one.