SO it was a SHARK Tank what do you think now?


shark bait

Well the 330g was and has been set up and built for a shark.......
But I got the hammer on not having a fun tank to look at as the shark would just sit and hide as they did in the past.
So what do I do now? Here is what I have, and my final want list.
20 blue chomis ( Going to be 0 in another month)
7 yellow tangs
1 panther grouper
1 saddle grouper
1 big eye
1 fox face
1 lion
1 gold bar clown 5" or so
4 xxxl hermit crabs
20 turbos
1 super size red urchin
the want list
1 mappa or golden puffer
1 triger, maybe humma or clown
1, harlquin tusk from australia
1 koran or queen angel, goldflake
1 eel white mouth, gold tail, or hawiian dragon
that is it.
I am aware that puffers and trigers nip at lions so we do not need to have that little talk here thanks...........


Active Member
Maybe may I suggest a PICTURE! be nice, sounds cool.
You should get one of the bigger more agressive wrasses, like a lunar or somthing.


Well if you left out the angel, trigger, and puffer you ould still get a shark. I think a smooth hound would look cool. Have one at the store that constantly swims. Very cool looking. But it ay be too big as an adult. You would know better then me.


Active Member
Ya I'm pretty sure a smoothhound would get too big as an adult, but they are a cool shark. They just require a lot of swimming room compared to bamboo and most catsharks which are more commonly seen is large aquairums.


sounds like that would be a fun tank to look at. me, personally, if i had a 330g up and running like yours, i would probably be in the market for a shark (not sure about species), a ray (possibly blue spotted), a couple of eels (no tessies though, definitely on the right track when you mentioned whitemouth) , a large radiata lion, and defintely a solid clean up crew like you have planned.
i know you have been in the hobby for some time and have proabably housed many sharks and rays, but for someone like me who has never had that, this would be ideal.
i can also say that you seem to be a pretty big fan of housing sharks and are very knoweledgable. sticking to what you know best is also a smart move.


Active Member
I totally disagree, sure they are cool to have and beautiful fish these sharks and I love rays. Really want to have a few rays in a tank. I think a large aggressive tank would be awesome. Put a the fish you want minus the lion, not a big fan of them. Get a wrasse a big mean one, I'd go with two dog faces, maybe a black one and a golden puffer, and a tusk. Then go with a sohal tang. That would be awesome. Then stick a mean ol triger in there too. Like an undulated, or a clown. Imagine, two 10 in puffers, a a 15 inch sohal, a wrasse that is a foot long. Along with your grouper and such, you would have a massive tank.


in reference to previous post
do you think a 330 is sufficient space for all those big guys? i mean a 10" puffer kind of resembles a basketball floating around in there and you're talkin 2 of them plus the other guys you mentioned.
hmmm...maybe i ahevn't seena 330 in person and don't realize the true massiveness of it


My neighbors have a huma trigger and a volitan lion fish (the lion fish is much bigger) in a 75gal and they get along fine. Thats all i have to say.


Smoothhounds need ponds ranging from 1,500 - 2,500 gallons depending on the species of them. A 330 would be a great grow out tank however. The way I see it is, I couldn't have a tank without a Shark. I find them to interesting and have a strong passion for Shark keeping. However an aggressive tank like the one you have planned sounds like a great idea. Becasue I agree having Bamboos and Catsharks isn't as fun in a sense as a big Eel, Triggers, and Groupers.


Active Member
Originally Posted by greenwolf52
in reference to previous post
do you think a 330 is sufficient space for all those big guys? i mean a 10" puffer kind of resembles a basketball floating around in there and you're talkin 2 of them plus the other guys you mentioned.
hmmm...maybe i ahevn't seena 330 in person and don't realize the true massiveness of it
Only if they are puffed up. Mine is 6 inches now and isn't as big around as a coke bottle.
But it would be cool especially with a show size angel! That I think would be my dream tank.

shark bait

Thanks for the replys I love sharks and have had a few, but I have two boys and they are still very young and enjoy watching the tank. So having a active tank is great for them. So as my wife said it would be better to have an active tank. Well what she is not aware of that i'll spend a ton more on the gold flake angel, mappa or golden and the eel then on a $45 Shark. If I am not going to get the shark I will have the Holly Grail tank with the best fish I can. I may even pull the yellow tangs and school black ones just so I can say to her look it cost more. HE-HE-HE.
photos to follow soon

shark bait

here is the shark my LFS was begging me to buy....
he thinks I have room for a cali horn I do not agree with him. May people will go back and forth here but this is an awsome fish, but again just sits like this all day.