So Mad!!!



Sounds like the mom should get counceling... My dad was like that when I was a kid 'til somebody told him that one day I'll turn into an unexperienced 18 year old with a LOT of curiosity.


welp, ross, i was treated the exact same way with my mom up until i turned 18.
i had no idea what the real world was like cause i wasn't able to experience it.
right around when i hit 16, BAM, I wanted to know everything... starting doing a little recreational drugs, etc. etc. you can guess the rest. i was a curious kid that had never experienced anything before because i wasn't allowed to... so it all hit me at once. got expelled from school, grades got worse... started drinking a lot.. smoking pot, sneaking out of the house at 3 in the morning... and countless other things.
i really honestly think that i wouldn't have gone through this phase if my mom hadn't been such an overprotective nazi. now that I"m past the 18 mark, she still tries to have control over me.. using things like "i'm paying for your college, so you have to do everything that i say" but it doesn't work much. i've found ways around it.
i'm never going to be like that to my kids. worst thing you can do is shelter them from the real world. gotta let em experience things, ya know?


Active Member
Sorry Ross, sounds like she is really uptight, and she is going to push her daughter away and towards what she is trying to keep her from. I don't have any advise for you, except sit back a let things cool off for a bit.


Active Member
yeah, i think things are gonna "cool off" lol, since we can't even see or talk to each other i don't know what will happen. School is still a few months away....


Active Member
IMO you should let your kids do such like that. protecting them from everything in the world is just horrible. you don't learn how to treat other people. from my job i learned how to talk to people.. work with people.. and act around people..that's the real world.


Active Member
Great news!! Her mom is letting us talk on the phone again. She even gets to go to the lake w/ me this friday for my b-day!


Ross,.....I've skipped the middle pages of this long ass thread, so If I've missed something, let me know. Anyway, you are 15 right? You have just entered a phase of your life that is going to last a long time, so don't feel rushed. You also have a ton of hormones that are screaming at you, but the main reason why you are so "enamored" with this girl, is because she is so unavailable. It is human nature, and especially Men's nature, to want what we can't have, and that drives us crazy. And women know this, and use it against us. Women also love to be pursued, and the more you pursue, the more they run ( until you get to be my age ).:D Anyway, even if she goes to the lake with you, be cool, back off, and just get to know her as a friend, and don't sweat it, ......women out number men. Good luck.....:D


Active Member

Originally posted by belothsurf
, ......women out number men. Good luck.....:D

that why it's legal to marry multiple times in other countries :p