So many choices

30-xtra high

Active Member
now Triggcity.. i'm am one of few that doesn't mind being made fun of.. i actually find it kind of entertaining.. but when you ATTEMP to make fun of me .. TWICE .. its just pathedic..
lol, i'm definatly trying to pick up chikcs online that are way older than me.. even though i have a girlfriend in real life thats my age.. you caught
Carter, didn't mean to hijack, but you can't help it when people like triggcity have unneeded replies.


You asked for pics o my triggers....well let's see pics of your so-called girlfriend.


Take your medication and go to sleep. Dream of really big fish.


Active Member
30-xtra high and BabyB...
Don't even bother arguing. He's doing a good enough job of making himself look bad, there's no need to get yourselves in trouble, by arguing. Don't pay any attention to his insults and just ignore him.
He claims to have "10 years experiance" but just read his can clearly see that this is a blatant lie. Look at his advice. Anyone who has common sense knowns not to throw a tank full of larger predators together...does that show "10 years experiance"?
We get people like this, at random times. They all run their course and are eventually banned or just grow tired of being ignored. They're all the same. Give this 10 minutes and I'll have a personal attack against me, as well.
He'll go away, eventually.


Sigfried and Roy stick their heads in lions mouths. You can do this with experience. Don't forget to feed your goldfish.