So many options on feeding


Hi everybody, newbie here I have a 50 gallon tank with 1 clown, 1 black cap basslet, bad choice but a royal dotty, shy hamlet and a blue reef damsel, shy hamlet and the blue reef are good sized fish, of course all get along but the royal dotty he is a true trouble maker, I have 2 sand sifting stars, 1 chocolate chip star, 2 flame scallops, 1 coral banded shrimp, 5 peppermint shrimp, 2 hermits, 2 anemomes, 1 anenome crab, 1 emerald crab and 10 turbo snails. My question I feed the inverts every two days with Microvert which keeps them happy the big question is the conflict of how often I should be feeding my fish. The girl who cleans my tank says once every three days 1 cube and pellets, I have been feeding them 1/2 cube of brine twice a day with pellets, please please please give me your opinions on this. I have water changes every month, every thing is clean up until then anyway I feeding them to much? :happyfish


I've heard that brine is not that nutritious. I'd vary the frozen a bit. Add some squid or clams. Mysis shrimp instead of brine. I don't feed pellets but a variety of flake.
I feed flake twice per day, and usually some frozen shrimp/squid/clam & prime reef plus right before lights out. I have a decorator crab and I like to be sure he's getting his protien.


Active Member
I was told the same thing about brine so I switched to mysis. I also am getting rid of some frozen blood worms since my cichlid is too big for them. I use pellets just to make sure the yellow watchman and pistol shrimp get some food. The watchman waits for food to come to him. I target feed with the pellets by shooting a few pellets at their cave with a medicine dropper. I use flakes seldom. I also use veggie strips for the tang and the blennie is the only other fish that likes to eat the pieces of seaweed that float off after the tang attacks the strips.


Active Member
feed your fish enough to be consumed within the first 5 to 10 min... are your fish eating everything you feed them??? if not then you are feeding too much...
IMO when in doubt feed em less, because you can give a subsequent feeding throughout the day...
I would agree witht the brine shrimp statements (only if you are hatching brine and feeding you fish with them immediately)
keep in mind fish rarely eat the leftovers