so my boyfriend bought a fish tank.....


New Member
it was an already established tank with rock, zoos, some preety wavy things that open and close like hands (can you tell i know nothing) , a clown, a damsel, a pseudo, a coral banded shrimp, and two anemones. the previous owner had it for a while never had any problems so he was already a "pro" he has other tanks. my worry is we won't fully know how to maintain it. any tips, reminders, advice you guys can offer is greatly appreciated. btw its a ten gallon tank :help:


Active Member
I would suggest reading some of the posts and get to know what you have in the tank. Next do a lot more reading.
How much reasearch have you/BF done on the tank? Have much experience do you have?
Need to know this info before other can guide you around?


Active Member
The pretty wavy things are called Xenia.
I would recommend you get some test kits (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, pH, calcium) and a refractometer, and test your water weekly.
You should do water changes once every week or every other week (10% of the water volume, so in your case, 1 gallon).
Don't use tap water for your tank, use distilled or RO water.
When you do water changes, mix the water and salt in a bucket a day before you change it, and let it aerate with a pump and heater for 24 hours.


Use RO water.
You can buy it from your LFS for around 1.00 a gallon give or take.
Test regularly.
Always keep extra water on hand. In case of emergency.
READ READ READ READ. And read some more knowlege is power.
Water changes regularly is the key, good water = happy fish and corals.
Vary the diet of your fish, don't buy one can of flake and feed the same thing every day.
I mean you wouldn't want to eat the same thing every day would you?
A happy fish is a healthy fish.
Welcome to the hobby!!!!!!! :jumping: 4 :joy:


Active Member
Since the tank is a 10 gallon, it is considered a nano. I would read the Nano forum. There are a lot more Nano specific threads there.


New Member
well he has read alot borderline obsessive so most of the basics. the water we get from the aquarium. the anemones i'm worried about cause it already broke off one my shrimp's arms. i'm also worried the shrimp will eat my fish since i read here earlier they do that