So now I'm really P.O.'d !!!!!!


Active Member
The individual that was killed gave his/her life protecting the freedoms which allow this human debris to protest, etc.
I understand there is a time and place for their protest. This was the wrong time and place. Classless, gutless, disrespectful and shameful.


Buncha kooks. I don't know what else to say about them.
But ^^^^"Classless, gutless, disrespectful and shameful" definately fit as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
The individual that was killed gave his/her life protecting the freedoms which allow this human debris to protest, etc. ...
Exactly... sad but true...
Interesting that we've taken the talk of God out of schools and the public square, but these nuts still have the right to try to disrupt a funeral.... GRRRRRR.


Active Member
Why not expose this piece of crap named Phelps for what he is....
Spousal and child abuse
Though the children who remain loyal to him claim that they were only spanked as children, there is an abundance of evidence to support the claims of two of his daughters and two of his sons that Phelps was physically abusive to his children and wife.
Phelps' sons Nate and Mark, who claim that they were among the most abused, each suffer from permanent debilitating injuries consistent with their accounts of Phelps beating them with a mattock handle. According to the boys, he woke them one Christmas Eve in the 1970s while under the influence, bent them over a bathtub, and struck them nearly 300 times with the mattock handle. [74]
In 1972 Nate and Jon (whom today Topeka residents consider to be his father's most ardent and vulgar supporter) showed up to school covered in welts, bruises, and bleeding wounds; the school nurse determined that Nate exhibited signs of shock. Social services then investigated the family, but Nate claims that their father threatened them with death if they spoke about their beatings. Phelps likewise issued threats against individual police officers and school staff, and filed a lawsuit against the school claiming they beat his children; the charges against Phelps, and Phelps' lawsuit, were dropped, but the affidavit that the school principal issued to social services remained on file as concrete evidence to support the stories of child abuse. [75] Even Phelps' loyal daughter, Margie, who now acts as his personal attorney, admits the incident occurred. [76]
In the early 1990s Nate Phelps was diagnosed as suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome. [77] He and his brother Mark have each been diagnosed as having suffered damage to the muscle tissue and tendons in their buttocks and legs, and both have scarring on their backsides, which they claim is the result of Phelps beating them with a custom-made, four-inch-wide strop. Around 1994 Nate was diagnosed as suffering from bone chips and severe damage to the muscle tissue in his knees. [78]
Marge Phelps, the boys' mother, suffers from bone chips and severe cartilage damage in her right shoulder, consistent with a story three of the Phelps children tell about Fred throwing her down a flight of stairs. [79]
Many of the Phelps children who remain at Westboro openly admit to using physical violence against their children; Phelps' son Jonathan boasted to the Topeka Capital-Journal in 1994 that he regularly beat his wife, Betty, and his children


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Phelps Criminal Record
Criminal record
United States
Phelps was first arrested in 1951 and found guilty of misdemeanor battery after attacking a Pasadena police officer. He has since been arrested for assault, battery, threats, trespassing, disorderly conduct, contempt of court, and several other charges; each time, he (along with Westboro and its other members) has filed suit against the city, the police, and the arresting officers. Though he has been able to avoid prison time—often on technicalities —he has been convicted numerous times: [82] [83] [84]
* 1987: Witness intimidation, threats, and attempted extortion (charges were brought up by the Kansas Bar Association and used as evidence in Phelps' disbarment and the launching of disbarment hearings against his children)
* 1992: Disorderly conduct
* 1993: Disorderly conduct
* 1993: Witness intimidation
* 1994: Contempt of court
* 1994: Two counts of assault (reduced to disorderly conduct on appeal)
* 1995: Assault and battery
* 1997: Two counts of disorderly conduct
* 1998: Disorderly conduct
Phelps' 1993 convictions stemmed from a raid on the offices of his family's lawfirm, "Phelps Chartered," in which $37,000 worth of equipment was seized as evidence. Phelps later sued the city of Topeka for seizing the equipment and won $43,000 in damages. By the time an appeals court overturned the ruling, the statute of limitations had expired and Phelps was allowed to keep the money.
Phelps' 1995 conviction for assault and battery carried a five-year prison sentence, with a mandatory 18 months to be served before he became eligible for parole. Phelps fought to be allowed to remain free until his appeals process went through. Days away being arrested and sent to prison, a judge ruled that Phelps had been denied a speedy trial and that he was not required to serve any time. [85] [86]
In December 1996, in the wake of Fred Phelps' assault and battery conviction, two Topeka police officers came forward claiming that then-police chief Beavers had, in 1993, enacted a "no-arrest" policy that actively ignored complaints against Phelps and WBC members unless they were blatantly physically violent and/or witnessed by several persons. Beavers was quoted as saying:
The Phelpses are not going to live in my house. Don't these officers know the Phelpses can sue us and take our houses? Commander, do you understand my order?
An investigation was launched by the City of Topeka and the Topeka Sheriff's department in 1996. It was determined that Chief Beavers had been allowing Phelps and WBC protestors to commit crimes without arrest, and that Phelps and WBC members had taken advantage of their knowledge of the policy by becoming more abusive towards Topeka citizens; in following years, Topeka citizens formed a loose support group on the Topeka Capital-Journal message board recalling abuse they had suffered from Westboro members during this period, which included threats of sexual assault to women and children; some claimed that they had caught members of Westboro going through their garbage looking for personal information to use against them. Following the findings of the city and Sheriff's office, Beavers was asked to resign, and his successor immediately repealed the "no arrest" policy.
In addition, Phelps could be tried for the alleged abuse inflicted on his family if not for statute of limitation laws.


Active Member
Political affiliations: Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro,
In 1997, before the fall of Saddam Hussein during the Iraq War, Phelps wrote Hussein a letter praising his regime for being, in his opinion, "the only Muslim state that allows the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to be freely and openly preached on the streets." Furthermore, he stated that he, if U.S. Government and laws permitted and at the invitation of the Iraqi government, would like to send a delegation to Baghdad to "preach the Gospel" for one week. Hussein granted permission, and a group of WBC congregants traveled to Iraq to protest against the U.S. The parishioners stood on the streets of Baghdad and in heavily patronized Baghdad establishments holding signs


Active Member
Phelps mourned the fall of Hussein's regime and has consistently criticized the invasion of Iraq, citing, "IRAQ=USA=SODOM" and keeping a toll on his webpage celebrating the death of every American soldier killed and pronouncing loyalty to Iraq.
Phelps has also repeatedly championed Fidel Castro for Castro's stance against homosexuality; in 1998 Harper's magazine published a letter Phelps sent to Castro in which he praised Castro and lambasted the U.S. In 2004, when a pro-homosexual Cuban refugee announced plans to travel to Cuba, Phelps sent another letter to Castro "warning" him of the man's plans and requesting travel visas for a group of WBC congregants so that they could follow the refugee around Havana with signs bearing anti-U.S. and anti-homosexual slogans.


Active Member
maybe this piece of crap will sue me......
The Carolene Brady incident/disbarment
In 1976, an investigation launched by the Kansas Supreme Court in association with the Kansas Bar Association determined that Phelps had been extorting his clients by demanding more money than he was entitled to and threatening to sue the person, but taking a series of $1,500 "walk-away fees." He had done the same to people he was threatening to sue, telling them that if they paid him $1,500 up front he wouldn't file against them. [58]
In 1977, the Kansas State Bar Association sought to have Phelps permanently disbarred from practicing law in the state of Kansas for his conduct during a lawsuit against a court reporter named Carolene Brady. Brady had failed to have a court transcript ready for Phelps on the day he asked for it; though it did not affect the outcome of the case for which Phelps had requested the transcript, Phelps still requested $22,000 in damages from her. In the ensuing trial, Phelps called Brady to the stand, declared her a hostile witness, and then cross-examined her for nearly a week, during which he accused her of being a "slut," tried to introduce testimony from former boyfriends whom Phelps wanted to subpoena, and accused her of a variety of perverse sexual acts, ultimately reducing her to tears on the stand. Phelps lost the case; according to the Kansas Supreme Court:
The trial became an exhibition of a personal vendetta by Phelps against Carolene Brady. His examination was replete with repetition, badgering, innuendo, belligerence, irrelevant and immaterial matter, evidencing only a desire to hurt and destroy the defendant. The jury verdict didn't stop the onslaught of Phelps. He was not satisfied with the hurt, pain, and damage he had visited on Carolene Brady. [59]
In an appeal, Phelps prepared affidavits swearing to the court that he had eight witnesses whose testimony would convince the court to rule in his favor. Brady, in turn, obtained sworn, signed affidavits from the eight people in question, all of whom said that Phelps had never contacted them and that they had no reason to testify against Brady; Phelps had committed perjury. [60]
On July 20, 1979, Fred Phelps was permanently disbarred from practicing law in the state of Kansas. Years later, when the attorney who led the hearings died, Phelps snuck into the wake and signed the guestbook, "Vengeance is mine." Because of the state disbarment, Phelps was automatically suspended from practicing law until 1982. In the spring of 1983, Phelps began issuing letters of demand for $1,500 to people he was planning on suing, causing federal extortion charges to be brought against him. He immediately filed 200 lawsuits, including one against Ronald Reagan for $1,000,000 for sending a US ambassador to the Vatican.


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Originally Posted by Mimzy
You don't have to be in a cult to be stupid. Let's not excuse their appalling behavior by suggesting they were brainwashed or coerced into acting the way that they do. They are doing terrible and disgusting things, and they should be held fully accountable for it.
It is reported the Phelps...the leader of the rodent pack has liver cancer.....based on some quick research I have done tonight. If you are so inclined to believe this.....his day of reckoning/answering/being held accountable will be coming soon if the report is true.


Active Member
I did more research and this guy is anti-everything. I believe he only has about 100 members in his turd, roach and rodent brigade.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I did more research and this guy is anti-everything. I believe he only has about 100 members in his turd, roach and rodent brigade.
Thanks Scuba! I've got family visiting so I've been unable to research this further.
The articles about the "IED" attack on his home in 1996 (?) is quite a funny read (found on his webpage). They offered a $5,000 reward, so I figured the church didn't have many members.
also, if you read the "Faq" on contacting them you'll get a chuckle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
LoL, Scuba, u rock the house

Don't you love him........I can always count on him to challange my brain and learn something new !! I will never forgot the multiplyer effect..


Active Member
go to and type in his name and church and it will give you quite a bit of info on him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ty_05_f
go to and type in his name and church and it will give you quite a bit of info on him.
Correct......... that is where I got all the info from. I think if you also search on human debris you will find info on this guy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
Don't you love him........I can always count on him to challange my brain and learn something new !! I will never forgot the multiplyer effect..

You can get started on the natural rate of unemployment.


Active Member
now this really pisses me off as well, i am speechless i would love to say something as my normal self but i can not becasue there will be way to much cursing i believe mods should let us curse in a time like this, i can not believe this that people would actually hold signs like that up at a funeral when they dont even know who is being layed to rest


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
You can get started on the natural rate of unemployment.

uh oh, not tonight, I'm too tired. Will that be another bottomless pit of info???