maybe this piece of crap will sue me......
The Carolene Brady incident/disbarment
In 1976, an investigation launched by the Kansas Supreme Court in association with the Kansas Bar Association determined that Phelps had been extorting his clients by demanding more money than he was entitled to and threatening to sue the person, but taking a series of $1,500 "walk-away fees." He had done the same to people he was threatening to sue, telling them that if they paid him $1,500 up front he wouldn't file against them. [58]
In 1977, the Kansas State Bar Association sought to have Phelps permanently disbarred from practicing law in the state of Kansas for his conduct during a lawsuit against a court reporter named Carolene Brady. Brady had failed to have a court transcript ready for Phelps on the day he asked for it; though it did not affect the outcome of the case for which Phelps had requested the transcript, Phelps still requested $22,000 in damages from her. In the ensuing trial, Phelps called Brady to the stand, declared her a hostile witness, and then cross-examined her for nearly a week, during which he accused her of being a "slut," tried to introduce testimony from former boyfriends whom Phelps wanted to subpoena, and accused her of a variety of perverse sexual acts, ultimately reducing her to tears on the stand. Phelps lost the case; according to the Kansas Supreme Court:
The trial became an exhibition of a personal vendetta by Phelps against Carolene Brady. His examination was replete with repetition, badgering, innuendo, belligerence, irrelevant and immaterial matter, evidencing only a desire to hurt and destroy the defendant. The jury verdict didn't stop the onslaught of Phelps. He was not satisfied with the hurt, pain, and damage he had visited on Carolene Brady. [59]
In an appeal, Phelps prepared affidavits swearing to the court that he had eight witnesses whose testimony would convince the court to rule in his favor. Brady, in turn, obtained sworn, signed affidavits from the eight people in question, all of whom said that Phelps had never contacted them and that they had no reason to testify against Brady; Phelps had committed perjury. [60]
On July 20, 1979, Fred Phelps was permanently disbarred from practicing law in the state of Kansas. Years later, when the attorney who led the hearings died, Phelps snuck into the wake and signed the guestbook, "Vengeance is mine." Because of the state disbarment, Phelps was automatically suspended from practicing law until 1982. In the spring of 1983, Phelps began issuing letters of demand for $1,500 to people he was planning on suing, causing federal extortion charges to be brought against him. He immediately filed 200 lawsuits, including one against Ronald Reagan for $1,000,000 for sending a US ambassador to the Vatican.