So Now That I Have T5's


Hi there SW FANATIC'S,
I have a rather newb' question here even though i have been in the hobbie for a couple of years now, i still feel like a newb' in some area's of this life style.

If anybody posting here remember's I posted earlier this week about, If I should switch my PC's out for some T5's... So i did switch to the T5's, 2 54w 10k, 1 act. and 1 blue. The problem i now have is I know nothing of T5's...
What i want to know is, what type's of coral am i (if any) going to be able to put in my tank?
Some examples would be very much apprecaited, because i might take your example and stick it in my tank.
Thank's to all who reply ahead of time to help this Senior Newb' out with his problem.

Ps: and ahead of time, i know i should switch to MH but i dont know how much longer i want to keep my 60 Gallon tank (Damn addiction, is there an AA for saltwater aquarium addicts)


From everything I have read about lighting. (which has been a fair amount) Here is what I think.
With T5 lights you should be able to keep most anything in the tank. There might be a few clams out there that might not do as well. As for keeping SPS there shouldnt be any issues there. Although if you did get some SPS I would try to put them a little up further so they can be closer to the light if possible.
IMO, even though I happen to have MH lights I still make sure I do a thorough job of researching any pieces I want to put in my tank. You just never know when one thing isnt going to get along with something you all ready have. And in doing that research you invariably will read a thread that talks about the lighting.
Congratulations on the upgrade to the T5 lights.

This hobby is definitely very addicting. Here is the question though. Even if there really was a saltwater anonymous type of place would you really want to go to it? <Hmm>


Originally Posted by trigger11
Even if there really was a saltwater anonymous type of place would you really want to go to it? <Hmm>

First of all thanks, the upgrade actually came free, i had Pc's prior and my buddy was upgrading to MH's and said if i'd like his T5's i almost did not take them cause i knew nothing about them, but i talked to a couple of folk's on here and they convinced me to get them, so here we are.
Now on the question, I would go, but not to get help on getting over the addiction, Id go to get all the valuable knowledge off the Junkies


Active Member
I would start with a Monti Cap. Fairly easy and does well under T-5. I also have a Green Slimer thats doing very well. I have some Monti digi, acro, staghorn and Crocea clam and Derasa.


Originally Posted by TurningTim
I would start with a Monti Cap. Fairly easy and does well under T-5. I also have a Green Slimer thats doing very well. I have some Monti digi, acro, staghorn and Crocea clam and Derasa.

Thanks for the idea's but you would not happen to have any pic's of these to post would you?