So thrilled!


I bought a new Anenome on Saturday morning, went to get my guys some ghost shrimp and could not resist this beauty, I went ahead at the same time and bought a Percula clown. After acclimating the Anenome and introducing it to the tank I put in the Percula clown and he went right into the new anenome and has stayed there. This is the first time I got a clown to take to a anenome, just soooooooooooooo thrilled! Wanted to share


Awesome - I'm starting with a FO tank but would like to eventually get an anenome - I don't know if my percs will take to it if I get it after or not..
Got any pics of your clown hosting?


Now that I got my tank right again I will definately take some pics to post. :) I just could not believe he went right to it like that, I use to have Tomato clowns, they were never interested in the anenomes, I have 3 anenomes now. :joy:


No offense, but sounds like this was an impulse buy (a no-no in home aquaria, especially SW)
Do you have adequate lighting? (MH or T-5 preferrably) Filtration Specs?
Not trying to rain on your parade, just making sure you have a correct home for it.


You are not raining on my parade at all, I have been wanting to get another anenome and I was planning on a clown fish, I was going to get a Sebae but this little guy was just to great to pass up. My niece who is a SW fanatic set this tank up for me it was originally a gift to my husband whose response was why the heck did you do that?, I had 2 anenomes already that have done very well. I had a major fish kill off (all inverts lived) back in January but now all is well again, Everyone seems to get on fine, no picking, I have a 55 gallon tank with
2 PJ cardinals
1 Blue Devil damsel
1 Royal Gramma
2 cleaner shrimp
1 coral banded shrimp
2 scallops
1 chocolate chip star
1 sand sifting star
2 finger corals (sp?) Orange branching coral (soft)
12 turbo snails
6 blue legged hermits
1 hermit
60 pds live rock (approx)
2 Anenomes
Just added 1 Percula clown and 1 more anenome.


I don't think the Sand-Sifting Stars gonna make it...from what I've read most sand beds don't have the proper nutrients to sustain 'em. Other than that I think you're doing pretty well with stocking.
I'm still curious about your lighting, though...


All I know without looking at it (I am at work) is it is a Power Glo I believe 15 watt, my LFS sold me some crazy reef light that made the tank look beautiful but it was wrecking havoc. I am new to this (8 months) and all set up and maintanence was suppose to be taken care of by my Niece who backed out on me before the first cleaning so I have been flying by the seat of my pants and learning quite a few lessons and I will admit the hard way. I do not plan on adding anymore stock to my tank. As for the sand sifting star I bought two originally back in November, one was never seen again but the other is doing well, very active he has the whole sand bed to himself pretty much.
Do you have any recommendations on lighting now that you know my tank set up?


Wow, 15w over a 55g? I can't believe that your anemones have made it this long.
Shortly, I'm baffled.
Anemones need Metal Halides or T-5s to thrive. Some people have gotten away with PCs, but nothing to this extent.


I will definately check when I get home. Have had two of them for 7 months now. No problems. I will check and post tonight. Thanks for your input. I have quite a few lights at the house I will list what I have. Like I said I am a green horn to all this.


Well, when you say you have a few lights at your house I think you mean normal, house lighting.
Aquariums need special lighting because most house lighting is of the wrong spectrum or PAR or...something. Aquariums fare well under 10,000K+ lighting (<10,000K lighting is very yellow and promotes undesirable algal growth).
There is a thread somewhere on here about the types of lighting. I'd advise you to search the archives, it's a great source of info.


No No, I have 3 different aquarium lights, my LFS sold me one, one came with the tank light fixture and my niece ordered me one. They are all aquarium lights. I will post tonight when I get home and let you know the three I have.
Thanks so much for your help.