So ugly, it's kinda cute!


New Member
I found about 6 of these stuck between the mag sweep and the glass. They looked like little red strings with frayed ends. They're only about a 1/2 to 3/4 inch half in long when they're stretched out, and they ball up to the size size of a large grain of rice when I move the mag sweep. I'm sure they hate that!
I was hoping they are spaghetti worms, but I thought spag worms are a lot bigger and live in the sand. What are these doing behind my mag seep?
Please tell me they are good guys???


New Member
I put the mag sweep low in the tank, resting on the sand.
They're all gone now...I assume they're back in the and bed....where they belong...where they can't creep me out any more.


New Member
Whoah! That is huge! How big is it?
Mine were only 1/2 long at the most and no fatter than a piece of string. Will mine grow that big?


Those are creepy looking fellows..........yuck!!! I hope I never see any in real life I would have nightmares


Active Member
Originally Posted by ninjamini
Here is mine:
That's a spaghetti worm? Holy cow, I didnt think they got that big!!


Active Member
that is so disgusting-
ugh can you imagine that little critter wrapping around your finger when you are in the tank moving a rock or something?