so wats the affect on my tank if i use.....


Active Member
if i use tap water wat happens?
i want to fill my tank up wit tap water and then wen i do water changes im goin to buy already cycled jugs of salt water (from a pet store i found)
all i know is algea, anything else that will happen to the tank?
also ima put dechlorifier into it


Many folks use their tap water and in fish only tanks, it is probably fine-this is usually to avoid the cost of purchasing water, an Ro unit, and the waste water from that if you have to pay for your water fromthe city.
The biggest problem is that you have no control over the condition/contaminates that may exist in the water that could build up in your tank. There could be phosphates or Nitrates already in your tap water, not to mention metals.
But, in prior years, I always used tap water, just aerated it for a minimum of 24 hours and made sure the temp and SG were the same as the existing water in the tank.
YOu will probably have algae-both red and green, but even using RO water, you will most likely go through a browndiatom stage-its normal, dont panic-and will pass.
It takes many many water changes to dilute the intitial tank fill as you are only replacing a small part of the water, which mixes with the existing water.
My suggestion is that if money is an issue-as it often is-Use your tap water, premix and aerate your salt mix as well as using a dechlorinater with a detoxifier in it for any metals.
Your local fish store may test for phospgates and copper etc. in your tap water, but will probably charge you as the test solutions are expensive.
Do you have your own test kits for the cycling? You will need AMmo, Nitrate and Nitrite at least and it wouldnt hurt to have a phophate test kit as well.


Active Member
ok here wat i want
this is my first SW tank its 55 gallons
i want to have a FOWLR for at least 5 months or so
until i think im expiernced enough i will like to get some reefs (do anenomes count as reefs??)
but wat i was planning on was to fill the tank up wit tap water, and then add a dechlorifier, then add salt mix. after this will the tank start to cycle??
also wat about hose water because i have 5 gallon buckets and it might take me a while to fill the tank but if hose water is worse than tap water then im not goin to do it


There are drinking quality hoses which dont contain oil products that would probably be safe to use.
You might want to invest in a phython clean and fill. I use one to empty my tank when I do water changes and then pump my salt back in from the holding garbage can I use for the mixed water.
Most anemones are very sensitive to water quality and have fairly high lighting requirements so I would say they are at a 'reef' level of care.
I know you want to make it easier and less expensive and I dont blame you for that, but with Salt water tanks, we have to be so much more careful than with fresh which is more forgiving.
If you want to risk it for now then fill your tank with water, add your salt ( you dont need to use the dechlorinator if there are no living critters including live rock in the tank yet)
turn on the heater and powerheads. Leave room to add your sand and rock if you are using these. Once your temp is up to 78 or so and your SG is at least 1.023, you can add something to start the cycle. A pice of dead shrimp has been reccomded, but you can also just add some fish food. Almost anything that breaks downwill start the cycle.
Once your water is aerated and you have added your substrate and any other nonliving items to the tank, add the catalyst (shrimp or food) then wait a couple of days to see if you have any ammonia showing on your test. If you do, great, then wait another week to see if you have any Nitrites, then Nitrates. Once you have Nitrates reading and 0 on the ammo and Nitrites, you can add your first VERY HARDY fish or some cleaned live rock.
I forgot to mention that you can cycle with live rock if you are using it, just plop it in the water after you have added water, salt and substrate (as long as your temp, SG are ok and there is no chlorine.
Get a really good book next time you are in your fish store or order one from AMazon about setting up a salt water tank. It will be a big help to you
Do you have any one locally to support you? Do you have acces to a good LFS?