So What Do You Guys Think?


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
Looking good, wish the best to you.
Are you going to protein skim on this tank? Also, don't tell me that you are using those glass covers on top of your tank either?!
Yeah im gonna have a 29 gallon sump and it will have a skimmer in it. And I am using the glass lids. Are they not good or something. I like them cause the water dont evaporate as fast and keeps the tank secured cause I plan on getting an eel. Why are the lids bad?


Ok guys I will be getting a black background for the tank too. I do have a question. I set the tank up 4-10-2008, have done some water changes and add some LR, and all my water readings are normal. Could that tank have cycled that fast?


Active Member
Did you add cured LR and what is your substrate again? I didn't have any cycle when I setup our 75 almost 4 weeks ago. I used fully cured LR and 80lbs of LS.


Active Member
Glass lids have a tendancy to trap heat and reduce oxygen exchange but since your running a sump that will help with the oxygen exchange and as long as you aren't running high wattage lighting like MH's or large T5 fixtures you won't have a heat problem and they are highly recomended for a tank with an eel in it. Your other option is eggcrate which will keep the eel in prevent oxygen deprivation and help reduce the heat buildup but at the cost of increased evaporation.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hillius31
Ok guys I will be getting a black background for the tank too. I do have a question. I set the tank up 4-10-2008, have done some water changes and add some LR, and all my water readings are normal. Could that tank have cycled that fast?
I have heard of this happing but with large quanities of live rock I don't think 18lbs is enough but you never know try ghost feeding for a few days and then retest your water and see if you see any amonia or nitrite. If not the tank may be cycled


Originally Posted by natclanwy
I have heard of this happing but with large quanities of live rock I don't think 18lbs is enough but you never know try ghost feeding for a few days and then retest your water and see if you see any amonia or nitrite. If not the tank may be cycled
Ghost feeding? So I just throw a few pieces of silver sides in there? I have a few hermits and a few snails in there too.


Active Member
Probably one silverside would suffice or some flake food over several days. Be sure to remove the silverside after 2 or 3 days unless the hermits manage to consume it or you will definetly see an amonia spike.


Active Member
just throw some raw shrimp in there and let it break down and itll start the cycle. just keep an eye on ammonia and dont let it get too high. some people believe that the higher the ammonia gets the longer it will take to cycle your tank


No updates yet, I will check the water again today I added some silver side the other day. So we will see how it goes. I have noticed that the sand is turning brown....Is that a good sign?


Well I didnt get time to check the water today. I had a surprise visit from a very good customer of mine and we ended up drinking a few beers and then playing a round of golf....which I did VERY awesome at....NOT. But Ill do it first thing in the morning
