So...what you asking for christmass?

fish fever

I just got mine today: a 95g wave tank. We set it up now so that we can put some fish in around Christmas. The tank looks so cool! Wish me luck on the cycling. Here is the rest of my wish list:
Huma Huma trigger - juvi
Snowflake eel - juvi
Giant hermit crab
Passer Angel
Saddled filefish or saddled toby


Active Member
-sump/refugium for tank
-king kong video game
-prince of persia 3 video game
-war of the worlds movie (maybe, not sure on it yet)
And thats about it


Originally Posted by JacknJill
sony psp
paintball gun
iTunes gift certificate
12 gal JBJ nano cube
ps2 game
what kind of gun?


what kind of gun do u have now?? and what is ur price range... angels are really nice but really $$$$
id go with a tippman A5 with a response trigger and the circle thing on top that makes it go faster(no not the hopper... sorry cant think exactly though!
if u get the a5 dont get the flatline barrel


Active Member
cool, ill look into that.
right now, sadly i have a piece of crap pump gun, becasue my mom thought they were "too dangerous". but now ive pushed them enough and had this one for a while without shooting my eye out, so that they will get me a better gun.
im thinking around $200 for the price range.


u could get a nice elctric spyder 3 burst/semi auto/auto gun package for around that... im a big fan of the spyder e-99 though


Originally Posted by JacknJill
im kinda liking the A5
ya its a really nice gun.. really nice and there are so many upgrades you can get for it...


Originally Posted by JacknJill
so you reccommend against the flatline barrel? how come?
decreases the distance and pops the paint often


Originally Posted by JacknJill
ohh, dont want that lol
it actually claims to increase distance but it doesnt... my friend had it for one day then threw it out b/c of that

salty tank

some expensive lists!
I just want some clothes
maybe a few dvds
a fish or coral
snowboard boots
snowboard jacket
Did i mention my birthday is december 21 BOO YA