So whats the deal with Eels???


Ive read a few posts in the last 2-3 weeks, about people who have reef setups, who keep Snowflake Eels. Can someone please set me straight. I would really like to get one, but I get VERY mixed opinions. Thank you for the replies.


They grow very fast, and produce a lot of waste. I don't think they should be in a reef. They will topple corals and live rock as they get bigger. They do love to dig out under rocks. I do love them....and they are easy to keep. If you really want to keep one, get another tank and set it up with an undergravel filter and a powerhead... They will do great in that set-up. I'd recommend at least a 30 gallon for one. Also give him some good hiding places.
Good luck...

eel head

New Member
I have a 24" snowflake eel in my 125 gal.,
it does like to dig in my CC. He stays hid until feeding time. Can't have any shrimp, would be supper. Very well mannered around my other fish.


New Member
I have a snowflake in my tank, and yes he is just as the others say. He digs out underneath rocks and is a terror if he gets hungry running around the tank. Other than that he is great, my only problem was one night he decided to eat my cleaner shrimp, that was an expensive midnight snack for him. But I got myself a cleaner wrasse and he seems to love it, so all seems well.
Just be prepared to have to clean up after him every now and then.